Author Archives: Phil Paine - Page 2


25274. (Jeff Lemire) Tales from the Farm [graph­ic novel]
25275. (Joseph Camp­bell) The Flight of the Wild Gander
25276. (Trevor Watkins) Archi­tec­ture and “The­atres of Mem­o­ry” in the Neolith­ic of 
. . . . . South­west Asia [arti­cle]
25277. (William Cranston Law­ton) The Suc­ces­sors of Homer
25278. (Tulasi Srini­vas) Won­der­ing About Won­der [arti­cle]
25279. (Chad Orzel) How to Teach Rel­a­tiv­i­ty to Your Dog
25280. (Justin A. Hol­comb, et al) Frost Action dur­ing the Younger Dryas Inferred from 
. . . . . Soil Micro­mor­phol­o­gy at Conn­ley Cave 5, Ore­gon [arti­cle]
25281. [2] (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #4 [comix]
25282. (Bahat­tin Çelik & Orhan Ayaz) Rise of Göbek­li Tepe Cul­ture: “Hunt­ing Ground
. . . . . Econ­o­my” and the Role of Spec­u­la­tive “Knowl­edge” [arti­cle]
25283. (John Dry­den) Mar­riage à la Mode [play]

Image of the Month — Mt. Logan, Canada’s Highest Peak

This is Canada’s high­est peak [5,959 m (19,551 ft)] sur­round­ed by a vast area of moun­tains and glac­i­ers in Klu­ane Nation­al Park, Yukon. Unknown until 1890, when it was visu­al­ly iden­ti­fied from the peak of Mt. St. Elias, it was first climbed in 1925 by the Alpine Club of Cana­da. The trek to the moun­tain and the ascent took 65 days.


(Car­pen­ter 1986) Big Trou­ble in Lit­tle China
(Bet­ten­dorf 2022) Not a Tame Lion
(Zemeck­is 1985) Back to the Future
(Rogers 2023) The Magician’s Elephant
(Brooks 1974) Young Frankenstein
(Hitch­cock 1960) Psycho
(Mossa­nen 2018) You Are Here: A Come from Away Story
(Rein­er 1987) The Princess Bride
(Jew­i­son 1967) In the Heat of the Night
(Reed 1949) The Third Man
(Zemeck­is 1997) Contact
(Brooks 1993) Robin Hood: Men in Tights

First-time listening for NOVEMBER 2023

Hip Hop: The Col­lec­tion ― The Clas­sics, Vol.1, Disk 3:
. . . . 26642. (Pussy­cat Dolls) “Don’t Cha”
. . . . 26643. (Snoop Dog­gy Dogg) “Drop It Like It’s Hot” [w. Pharrell]
. . . . 26644. (Rihan­na) “We Ride”
. . . . 26645. (Pret­ty Ricky) ” I Want You”
. . . . 26646. (The Game) “It’s Ok”
. . . . 26647. (Black Eyed Peas) “Bebot”
. . . . [5790] (Eminem) “Guilty Con­science” [w. Dr. Dre]
. . . . 26648. (Juras­sic 5) “Con­crete School Yard”
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25266. (Zephyr Tea­chout) Cor­rup­tion in Amer­i­ca from Ben­jamin Franklin’s Snuff Box to 
. . . . . Cit­i­zens United
25267. (Alisha B. Adams) We’re All In This Togeth­er: Access­ing the Maternal-infant 
. . . . . Rela­tion­ship in Pre­his­toric Viet­nam [arti­cle]
25268. (Jacob Hol­land Lulewicz) Amer­i­c­as, North: Indige­nous Polit­i­cal Institutions 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25269. (Heather Cox Richard­son) Wound­ed Knee ― Par­ty Pol­i­tics and the Road to an 
. . . . . Amer­i­can Massacre
25270. (Daniel Lev­itin) A Field Guide to Lies
25271. (Nile Green) Mat­teo Ric­ci as an Islam­i­cate Infor­mant. Two Moments of 
. . . . . Con­nec­tion in the Per­sian After­lives of a Latin Account [arti­cle]
25272. (Daniel T. Potts) Uruk and the Ori­gins of the Sacred Econ­o­my [arti­cle]
25273. (Chad Oliv­er) Shad­ows in the Sun

Image of the Month


(La Cava 1936) My Man Godfrey
(Seke­ly & Fran­cis 1963) The Day of the Triffids
(Schenkel 2001) Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express
(Morse 1954) Man­hunt in Space [MST3K version]
(Hum­bert­sone 1936) Char­lie Chan at the Opera
(Wak­abayashi 1959) Prince of Space [遊星王子] [MST3K version]

First-time listening for October 2023

26622. (James) The Best of James
26623. (George Butts) Breakin’ Out the Past
Hip Hop: The Col­lec­tion ― The Clas­sics, Vol.1, Disk 2:
. . . 26624. (Pret­ty Ricky) “Nev­er Let Go”
. . . 26625. (Puff Did­dy) “I Will Be Miss­ing You”
. . . 26626. (Gwen Ste­fani) “Wind It Up”
. . . 26627. (Mis­sy Elliott) “Get Your Freak On”
. . . 26628. (50 Cent) “This Is How We Do”
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25257. (Samir Baig) Why We Don’t Care… and How to Get Us To [arti­cle]
25258. (Maria Isabel Puer­ta Rivera) Demo­c­ra­t­ic Back­slid­ing and Autocratization: 
. . . . . The Polit­i­cal Effects of the COVID-19 Pan­dem­ic in Nicaragua and Venuzuela 
25259. (Iain Reid) I’m Think­ing of End­ing Things
25260. (Mar­tin Bru­sis) Con­di­tions and Con­se­quences of Pop­ulism and Democratic 
. . . . . Backsliding
25261. (John Lacy) The Old Troop; or, Mon­sieur Rag­gou [play]
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Image of the Month — The Party Crasher

Her­nan Bas, “The Par­ty Crash­er” (2014)