Author Archives: Phil Paine


25363. (Nina Jankovicz) How to Lose the Infor­ma­tion War
25364. (Raoul Donan­ge­lo & Hugo Fort) Pre­dict­ing the Evo­lu­tion of Bac­te­r­i­al Populations 
. . . . . with an Epista­t­ic Selec­tion-muta­tion Mod­el [arti­cle]
25365. (Ken­neth Bul­mer) Worlds for the Taking
25366. (Bahat­tin Çelik) A Small-scale Cult Cen­tre in South­east Turkey: Harbetsuvan 
. . . . . Tepe­si [arti­cle]
25367. (Nec­mi Karul) Buried Build­ings at Pre-Pot­tery Neolith­ic Kara­hante­pe [arti­cle]
25368. (Robert Stock­well & Don­ka Minko­va) Eng­lish Words ― His­to­ry and Culture
25369. (David Kennedy & William W. Fish­er III) The Sub­ject: “Legal Thought” [arti­cle]
25370. (Bahat­tin Çelik) An Ear­ly Neolith­ic Set­tle­ment in the Cen­tre of Şan­hur­ga, Turkey
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25371. (Bahat­tin Çelik) A New Ear­ly Neolith­ic Set­tle­ment: Kara­han Tepe [arti­cle]
25372. (Steve Pen­fold) The Donut ― A Cana­di­an History


25351. (F. Scott Fitzger­ald) Ten­der Is the Night
25352. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: The Reeve’s Pro­logue and Tale 
. . . . . [in Mid­dle English]
25353. (Irm­gard Wolder­ing) The Art of Egypt ― The Time of the Pharaohs
25354. (Mareike C. Stahlschmidt, et al) Ancient Mam­malian Plant DNA from Late 
. . . . . Qua­ter­nary Sta­lag­mite Lay­ers at Solko­ta Caves, Geor­gia [arti­cle]
25355. (Christo­pher Anvil) The Steel, the Mist, and the Blaz­ing Sun
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25335. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: The Miller’s Pro­logue and Tale 
. . . . . [in Mid­dle English]
25336. (Edgar Pang­born) Wilder­ness of Spring
25337. (Christo­pher Mor­ris & John McK­en­ty) The 1936 CCM Fly­te ― Canada’s 
. . . . . Con­tri­bu­tion to the Stream­lined Decade [arti­cle]
25338. (Char­lotte Booth) The Ancient Egyp­tians for Dummies
25339. (Effrosi­ni Rodi­ti, et al) Life-His­to­ry of Palae­olox­o­dan antiqu­us reveals Middle 
. . . . . Pleis­tocene Glacial Refugium in the Mega­lopo­lis Basin, Greece [arti­cle]
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25323. (Robert A. Cook) The Vil­lage Remain s the Same: A Fort Ancient Exam­ple [arti­cle]
25324. (Vic­tor D. Thomp­son) Col­lec­tive Action and Vil­lage Life dur­ing the Late Archa­ic on 
. . . . . the Geor­gia Coast [arti­cle]
25325. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: The Knight’s Tale [in Mid­dle English]
25326. (Robert A. Hein­lein) The Dis­cov­ery of the Future [Guest of Hon­or speech, 
. . . . . 3rd World­con, Den­ver, 1941]
25327. (Anon. / Pseu­do-Orpheus, 4th c. CE) The Orphic Arg­onau­ti­ca [tr. Jason Colavito]
25328. (Lynne P. Sul­li­van) The Path to the Coun­cil House: The Devel­op­ment of 
. . . . . Mis­sis­sip­pi­an Com­mu­ni­ties in South­east Ten­nessee [arti­cle]
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25297. (Ray­mond Massey) When I Was Young 
25298. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: Gen­er­al Pro­logue [in Middle 
. . . . . English]
25299. (Kurt A. Jor­dan) From Nucle­at­ed Vil­lages to Dis­persed Net­works: Transformations 
. . . . . in Seneca Hau­denosaunee Com­mu­ni­ty Struc­ture, cir­ca AD 1669–1779 [arti­cle]
(Isa­iah Berlin) The Prop­er Study of Mankind ― An Anthol­o­gy of Essays [ed. Hen­ry Hardy 
 & Roger Hausheer]:
. . . . 25300. (Noel Anna) Fore­ward [pref­ace]
. . . . 25301. (Hen­ry Hardy) Edi­to­r­i­al Pref­ace [pref­ace]
. . . . 25302. (Roger Hausheer) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
. . . . 25303. (Isa­iah Berlin) The Pur­suit of the Ide­al [arti­cle]
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25284. (Hol­ly M. Dunsworth) Human Ori­gins 101
25285. [2] (Jean de Lafontaine) Fables de La Fontaine, Tome 2 
25286. (Mol­ly O. Pat­ter­son, et al) Sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the West Antarc­tic Ice Sheet 
. . . . . to +2˚C [SWAIS 2C] [arti­cle]
25287. (Jane Austen) Northang­er Abbey
25288. (George Mac­Don­ald) At the Back of the North Wind
25289. (Zheng Tiant­ian) Con­test­ing Het­ero­nor­mal­i­ty: Recast­ing Same-sex Desire in 
. . . . . Chi­na’s Past and Present [arti­cle]
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Image of the Month


(Mankiewicz 1950) All About Eve
(Hitch­cock 1946) Notorious
(Cor­man 1963) The Raven
(Schenkel 2001) Mur­der on the Ori­ent Express
(Brooks 1974) Blaz­ing Saddles
(Hitch­cock 1954) Dial M for Murder
(Capra 1946) It’s a Won­der­ful Life
*(Yamaza­ki 2023) Godzil­la Minus One [black & white version]
(Lan­ders 1935) The Raven
(Cur­tiz 1942) Casablanca
(Hus­ton 1941) The Mal­tese Falcon

First-time listening for DECEMBER 2023

26657. (Heart) The Essen­tial Heart
26658. (Lau­ra Pausi­ni) Best of Lau­ra Pausi­ni: E ritorno da te
26659. (Belin­da Carlisle) Her Great­est Hits
26660. (Bana­nara­ma) The Great­est Hits Collection
26661. (DMX) Year of the Dog … Again
26662. (Gwen Stafani) The Sweet Escape
26663. (Edward Elgar) Sev­en Lieder [s. Pitt, Wilde & Savidge; p. Norris]
26664. (Edward Elgar) A War Song, Op.5
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25274. (Jeff Lemire) Tales from the Farm [graph­ic novel]
25275. (Joseph Camp­bell) The Flight of the Wild Gander
25276. (Trevor Watkins) Archi­tec­ture and “The­atres of Mem­o­ry” in the Neolith­ic of 
. . . . . South­west Asia [arti­cle]
25277. (William Cranston Law­ton) The Suc­ces­sors of Homer
25278. (Tulasi Srini­vas) Won­der­ing About Won­der [arti­cle]
25279. (Chad Orzel) How to Teach Rel­a­tiv­i­ty to Your Dog
25280. (Justin A. Hol­comb, et al) Frost Action dur­ing the Younger Dryas Inferred from 
. . . . . Soil Micro­mor­phol­o­gy at Conn­ley Cave 5, Ore­gon [arti­cle]
25281. [2] (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #4 [comix]
25282. (Bahat­tin Çelik & Orhan Ayaz) Rise of Göbek­li Tepe Cul­ture: “Hunt­ing Ground
. . . . . Econ­o­my” and the Role of Spec­u­la­tive “Knowl­edge” [arti­cle]
25283. (John Dry­den) Mar­riage à la Mode [play]