Category Archives: D - VIEWING


(Waters 1994) Ser­i­al Mom
(Mack 1930) Night Work
(Neg­ule­sco 1950) The Mudlark
(Wilder 1954) Killers from Space
(Ulmer 1944) Bluebeard
(Boet­tich­er 1953) City Beneath the Sea
(Nel­son 1964) Fate Is the Hunter


(Lumet 1957) 12 Angry Men
(Dod­son 1993) Quest of the Delta Knights
(Pow­ell & Press­burg­er 1944) A Can­ter­bury Tale
(Aldrich 1964) Hush … Hush, Sweet Charlotte
(Thomas 1959) The 39 Steps
(For­man 1984) Amadeus [director’s cut]
(Demme 1993) Philadelphia
(Wilder 1960) The Apartment
(Spiel­berg 1989) Indi­ana Jones and the Last Crusade


(Tong 1995) Rum­ble in the Bronx
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.3 ― Lunatic Seven
(van Groenin­gen 2018) Beau­ti­ful Boy
(Sig­norel­li 1988) Elvi­ra, Mis­tress of the Dark
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.4 ― Seven’s Pattern
(Hawks 1940) His Girl Friday
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.5 ― A Sto­ry Ends
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.6 ― A Sto­ry Begins
(Cor­man 1960) Lit­tle Shop of Horrors
(Guest 1954) The Run­away Bus


(Pratt 1973) Dr. Seuss on the Loose
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.1 ― Extrater­res­tri­al Emissaries
(Hitch­cock 1940) For­eign Correspondent
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren [地球外少年少女]: Ep.2 ― Mist and Darkness
(Kauf­man 1978) Inva­sion of the Body Snatchers
(Brooks 1967) The Producers
(Aldrich 1962) What­ev­er Hap­pened to Baby Jane?
(Wilder 1944) Dou­ble Indemnity
(Jones 1989) Erik the Viking
(Mul­li­gan 1962) To Kill a Mockingbird


(Pelissier 1949) The His­to­ry of Mr. Polly
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.7 ― Chocolate
(Koster 1951) No High­way in the Sky
(Young 1967) Wait Until Dark
(Allen 1975) Love and Death
(Zin­ne­mann 1952) High Noon
(Gor­don 1959) Pil­low Talk
(Cox 2021) Shaun the Sheep: The Flight Before Christmas
(Hall 1962) Eegah
(Coop­er 2020) The Bronze Age Col­lapse: Mediter­ranean Apocalypse


(Brooks 1987) Spaceballs
(Crich­ton & Cleese 1988) A Fish Called Wanda
(Hitch­cock 1959 ) North by Northwest
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.5 ― The One I Like
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.6 ― The Catalyst
(Hes­ton 1993) Need­ful Things
(Neame 1954) The Mil­lion Pound Note
(Had­field 2020) Chris Had­field Teach­es Space Explo­ration [web series]
(Finn 2020) Crowd­ed House: Vir­tu­al Live On Fan­gra­dio “Don’t Dream It’s Over”
(Coop­er 2020) The Green­land Vikings: Land of the Mid­night Sun


(Rossi 1922) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.5 ― 15 Minutes
(Men­zies 1936) Things to Come
(Zuck­er 1989) Airplane!
(Rossi 1922) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.6 ― Lov­ing the Alien
(Schu­mach­er 1987) The Lost Boys
(Cameron 1989) The Abyss
(Somer­ton 2022) Stranger Things and the Dan­ger of Nostalgia
(Uthaug 2022) Troll
(Ash­ley 2021) Come From Away [film of 2017 Broad­way production]
(Luke 2021) Jun­gle Run
(Aurich 2021) Oscar Peter­son: Black + White


(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.4 ― For the First Time
(Asquith 1951) The Brown­ing Version
(Rossi 1922) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.3 ― A Dou­ble Life: Andy & Jon
(Rossi 1922) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.4 ― Col­lab: Andy & Basquiat
(Shya­malan 1999) The Sixth Sense
(Thomp­son 2022) Dinosaurs — The Final Day with David Attenborough
(March­esi 2022) Fred­er­ick Dou­glass: In Five Speeches
(Rein­er 1986) Stand By Me
(Koster 1949) The Inspec­tor General


(Guest 1955) The Quater­mas s Xperiment
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.2 ― If I See Him Again
(Dear­den 1961) Victim
(Reit­man 1984) Ghostbusters
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.3 ― The Knot
(Siegel 1956) Inva­sion of the Body Snatchers
(Losey 1948) The Boy With Green Hair
(O’Connolly 1959) The Val­ley of Gwangi
(Haskin 1953) The War of the Worlds


(Nishi­tani 2022) The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sher­lock Holmes the Movie [バスカヴィル家の犬
. . . シャーロック劇場版]
(del Toro 2022) Guiller­mo del Toro’s Pinocchio
(Ishi­hi­ra 2022) Sasa­ki and Miyano [佐々木と宮野] Ep.1 ― Sasa­ki and Miyano
(Zemeck­is 1985) Back to the Future
(McCow­an 1979) The Shape of Things to Come
(Rossi 1922) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.2 ― Shad­ows: Andy & Jed
(Bernar­do 2023) Noth­ing Like Paris [Walang KaParis]
(Nguyen 2022) Bir­d­em­ic 3: Sea Eagle
(Wilder 1957) Wit­ness for the Prosecution