Category Archives: AC - Blog 2019

Image of the Month

Image of the Month — Why you get great bargains at Walmart

Image of the Month — Why there will never be a wall between Canada and the United States

This man is stand­ing on the U.S. / Cana­di­an bor­der on a minor moun­tain range. The image faces north, with British Colum­bia in the back­ground. The bor­der is 8,891 kilo­me­tres (5,525 miles) long… and a lot of it is like this. In one place in Yukon Ter­ri­to­ry, it is 18,000 feet above sea lev­el and sur­round­ed by hun­dreds of miles of glac­i­ers. A tem­per­a­ture of −77.5 °C (−107.5 °F) has been record­ed there. A long por­tion cuts through the mid­dle of the Great Lakes, and bisects Nia­gara Falls. In the old­er, east­ern por­tions it pass­es through the mid­dle of small towns. In one case, it cuts diag­o­nal­ly through a pub­lic library, indi­cat­ed by a black line paint­ed on the floor. The book check-in and check-out are in dif­fer­ent countries.

Image of the month

The Uni­corn Strikes Back (2006) by the pro­lif­ic Amer­i­can artist Red Grooms. Grooms is best known for his com­ic por­traits of life in New York City, but here he cre­ates a bril­liant spoof of medieval French man­u­script illumination.

Image of the Month

Image of the Month

Thomp­son (left) & Macken­zie (right)

Image of the Month

Image of the Month

Image of the Month

Some hand­some Vic­to­ri­ans not far from my more hum­ble apartment.

Image of the Month

19-03-01 BLOG Image of the Month