24195. (Fred C. Woud­huizen) Ori­gin of the Luwian Hiero­glyph­ic Script [arti­cle]
24196. (John Hen­ry Cut­ler) Tom Stet­son On the Trail of the Lost Tribe
24197. (Serge Cassen, et al) La détec­tion des gravures sur deux mono­lithes du haut-cours du
. . . . . Rhône : Le Chemin des Collines à Sion et Le Genevray à Thonon-les-Bains [arti­cle]
24198. (Stephen Greenspan) Annals of Gullibility
24199. (Arup Majumder) Effect of Land Acqui­si­tion on Social Struc­ture: An Ethnographic
. . . . . Study of a Vil­lage in Paschim Medinipur Dis­trict, West Ben­gal [arti­cle]
24200. (Anto­nio Dama­sio) The Strange Order of Things ― Life, Feel­ing, and the Mak­ing of
. . . . . Cultures
24201. (M. H. G. Kui­jpers) Mate­r­i­al Is the Moth­er of Inno­va­tion [arti­cle]
24202. (Chris Bunch) The Wind of Time [Shad­ow War­rior #1]
24203. (Michael Sher­mer) The Believ­ing Brain
24204. (Katharine G. Young) The Future of Eco­nom­ic and Social Rights [arti­cle]
24205. (Alex­ei S. Kass­ian et al) Rapid Radi­a­tion of the Inner Indo-Euro­pean Lan­guages: An
. . . . . Advanced Approach to Indo-Euro­pean Lex­i­co­sta­tis­tics [arti­cle]
24206. (Anna­ka Har­ris) Con­scious ― A Brief Guide to the Fun­da­men­tal Mys­tery of the Mind
24207. (Mar­ta Yus­tos & José Yrave­dra Sainz de los Ter­reros) Can­ni­bal­ism in the Neanderthal
. . . . . World: An Exhaus­tive Revi­sion [arti­cle]

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