24316. (Matthew Gard­ner, Lore­na Roque & Steve Wamhoff) Cor­po­rate Tax Avoid­ance in the
. . . . . First Year of the Trump Tax Law [report]
24317. (Hec­tor A. Gar­cia) Alpha God ― The Psy­chol­o­gy of Reli­gious Vio­lence and Oppression
24318. (Sing C. Chew) From the Red Sea to the Indi­an Ocean and Beyond ― The Maritime
. . . . . “Silk” Roads of the Eurasian World Econ­o­my 200BC-AD500 [arti­cle]
24319. (Jes­si­ca E. Lib­by-Roberts, et al) The Fea­ture­less Trans­mis­sion of Spec­tra of Two Super-
. . . . . Puff Plan­ets [arti­cle]
24320. (Naroa Gar­cia-Ibaibar­ria­ga, et al) A Pale­oen­vi­ron­men­tal Esti­mate in Askon­do, Bizkaia,
. . . . . Spain, Using Small Ver­te­brates [arti­cle]
24321. (Sam White) A Cold Wel­come ― The Lit­tle Ice Age and Europe’s Encounter with North
. . . . . America
24322. (Aðal­heiður Guð­munds­dót­tir) Of Waver­ing Flames and Fires ― North­ern Lights in
. . . . . Ice­landic Sources [arti­cle]
24323. [2] (Fritz Leiber) Our Lady of Darkness
24324. (Philipp R. Heck, et al) Life­times of Inter­stel­lar Dust from Cos­mic Ray Expo­sure Ages of
. . . . . Preso­lar Sil­i­con Car­bide [arti­cle]
24325. (Gonca Dar­d­eniz) Sig­nif­i­cance of Colour in the Sec­ond Mil­len­ni­um BC: The Perception
. . . . . and Use of Glass at the Cen­tre and Periph­ery of the Hit­tites [arti­cle]
24326. (Denise Lom­bar­di) Felli­ni et Cas­tañe­da: un ren­dez-vous man­qué ou cahé? [arti­cle]
24327. (Tim Kyger & Pat Bahn) A Space Force Needs Space­ships [arti­cle]
24328. (Paul C. Sereno, et al) A Long-Snout­ed Preda­to­ry Dinosaur from Africa and the
. . . . . Evo­lu­tion of Spin­osaurids [arti­cle]
24329. (Michael A. McDon­nell) Mas­ters of Empire ― Great Lakes Indi­ans and the Mak­ing of
. . . . . America
24330. (Shawn Small­man) Dan­ger­ous Spir­its ― The Windi­go in Myth and History

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