(Culpep­per 2020) Star Trek: Picard: Ep.1 ― Remembrance
(Miller & Ogilvie 1985) Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome
(Culpep­per 2020) Star Trek: Picard: Ep.2 ― Maps and Legends
(Pelling­ton 2002) The Moth­man Prophecies
(Pol­ci­no 2010) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.148 ― And Then There Were Fewer
(Culpep­per 2020) Star Trek: Picard: Ep.3 ― The End of the Beginning
(Haynes 2011) Black Mir­ror: Ep.13 ― USS Callister
(Ramis 2001) Year One
(Colton 2010) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.154 ― Road to the North Pole
(Cas­tle 1966) Let’s Kill Uncle
(Stu­art 1971) Willy Won­ka & the Choco­late Factory
(Fran­co 1982) Oasis of the Zom­bies [aka Blood Suck­ing Nazi Zombies]
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (393) Blood Suck­ing Nazi Zombies
(Hawks 1949) I Was a Male War Bride
(Mer­ri­field 2018) Balloon
(Hardy 1973) The Wick­er Man [final recon­struct­ed version]
(Fang­meier 2006) Eragon
(Fang­meier 2006) Eragon [Riff­Trax version]
(Wilder 1954) The Snow Creature
(Guest 1957) The Abom­inable Snowman
(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose [minis­eries]: Ep.1
(Fish­er 1959) The Man Who Could Cheat Death
(Cor­co­ran 1998) Eerie, Indi­ana: The Oth­er Dimen­sion: Ep.1 ― “Switch­ing Channels”
(Broc­ka 2007) Rick & Steve: The Hap­pi­est Gay Cou­ple in All the World: Ep.4 ― It’s Raining
. . . . Pussy
(Rawl­ins 1942) Sher­lock Holmes and the Voice of Terror
(Roberts & O’Con­nor 2018) Final Space: Ep.2 ― Chap­ter Two
(Bell 1981) The Hitch­hik­ers Guide to the Galaxy: Ep.1 ― Fit the First

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