(Trelfer 2020) Uni­ver­sal’s Invis­i­ble Man ― Hor­ror’s Anti-Hero
(Maddin 1989) Tales from the Gim­li Hos­pi­tal [ver­sion with direc­tor’s commentary]
(Malysh­eff 2008) The Immor­tal Beaver
(Day 2008) Lost Cities of the Ama­zon [Nation­al Geographic]
(Pow­ell & Press­burg­er 1947) Black Narcissus
(Whale 1933) The Invis­i­ble Man
(Car­dos 1980) The Day Time Ended
(Trelfer 2018) Dark Cor­ners Review: (305) The Day Time Ended
(Yarbrough 1942) So’s Your Aunt Emma!
(Adler & Sadler 2011) Drain the Great Lakes
(1901) Labor­ers in Vic­to­ri­an England
(Bur­ton 1985) Pee-wee’s Big Adventure
(Neil 1943) Sher­lock Holmes and the Secret Weapon
(Schloss­berg-Cohen 1987) Cry Wilder­ness [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Hunt 1977) Star­ship Invasions
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (399) Star­ship Invasions
(Rub­bo 1985) The Peanut But­ter Solu­tion [Opéra­tion beurre de pinottes]
(Cukor 1949) Adam’s Rib

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