24306. (K. Lan­glois, et al) Vit­a­min D Sta­tus of Cana­di­ans as Mea­sured in the 2007 to 2009 
. . . . . Cana­di­an Health Mea­surs Sur­vey [arti­cle]
24307. (S. J. Whit­ing, et all) The Vit­a­min D Sta­tus of Cana­di­ans Rel­a­tive to the 2011 Dietary 
. . . . . Ref­er­ence Intakes: An Exam­i­na­tion in Chil­dren and Adults with and without 
. . . . . Sup­ple­ment Use [arti­cle]
24308. (Matthias Wack­er & Michael F. Holick) Sun­light and Vit­a­min D ― A Glob­al Perspective 
. . . . . for Health [report]
24309. (Sid­dharth Chan­dra & Eva Kassens-Noor) The Evo­lu­tion of Pan­dem­ic Influenza; 
. . . . . Evi­dence from India, 1918–19 [arti­cle]
24310. (Arup Majumder) Impact of Coro­na Pan­dem­ic on Kin­ship Tie: A Study from Rur­al West 
. . . . . Ben­gal [arti­cle]
24311. (Noemie Globus & Roger D. Bland­ford) The Chi­ral Puz­zle of Life [arti­cle]
24312. (Ruben Safrastyan) Turk­ish Geopo­lit­i­cal Thought: Prob­lems of Gen­e­sis [arti­cle]
24313. (Andrew J. Fox, et al) Kine­mat­ics of the Mag­el­lan­ic Stream and Impli­ca­tions for its 
. . . . . Ion­iza­tion [arti­cle]
24314. (Jón Ólaf­s­son) Þekkingarmiðað lýðræði – þegar þekking lýðsins ræður [arti­cle]
24315. [2] (Alan E. Nourse) Trou­ble on Titan
24316. (Kath­eryn C. Twiss) Trans­for­ma­tions in an Ear­ly Agri­cul­tur­al Soci­ety: Feast­ing in the 
. . . . . South­ern Lev­an­tine Pre-Pot­tery Neolith­ic [arti­cle]
24317. (René Heller, et al) Tran­sit Least-squares Sur­vey III. A1.9R⊕transit Can­di­date in the 
. . . . . Hab­it­able Zone of Kepler-160 and a Non­tran­sit­ing Plan­et Char­ac­ter­ized by Transit- 
. . . . . tim­ing Vari­a­tions [arti­cle]
24318. (Alan E. Nourse) My Friend Bob­by [sto­ry]
24319. (E. C. Pielou) After the Ice Age ― The Return of Life to Glaciat­ed North America
24320. (Susan Standen) Indige­nous Peo­ple of North-west WA Recall Slav­ery of their Ancestors 
. . . . . in Pearling Indus­try [arti­cle]
24321. (Bri­an Clevinger & Scott Wegen­er) Atom­ic Robo [comix]
24322. (Quentin Taran­ti­no) Fore­ward to Unfil­tered ― The Com­plete Ralph Bak­shi [pref­ace]
24322. (Jon M. Gib­son & Chris McDon­nell) Unfil­tered ― The Com­plete Ralph Bakshi
24323. (Tom West­by & Christo­pher J. Con­selice) The Astro­bi­o­log­i­cal Coper­ni­can Weak and
. . . . . Strong Lim­its for Intel­li­gent Life [arti­cle]

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