24324. (Juli­et Clut­ton Brock) Ani­mals as Domes­ti­cate ― A World View through History
24325. (Andrew Gar­rard, et al) Pre­his­toric Envi­ron­ment and Set­tle­ment in the Azraq Basin: 
. . . . . Inter­im Report on the 1987 and 1988 Exca­va­tion [report]
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. . . . . Cohe­sion: The Coro­n­avirus Pan­dem­ic and the Geopol­i­tics of Kalaal­lit Nunaat [arti­cle]
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24328. (Alun M. Ander­son) After the Ice ― Life, Death, and Geopol­i­tics in the New Arctic
24329. (Robert Carter) Pearl Fish­ing, Migra­tion, and Glob­al­iza­tion in the Per­sian Gulf, 
. . . . . Eigh­teenth to Twen­ti­eth Cen­tures [arti­cle]
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. . . . . Archae­ol­o­gy of the Fer­tile Crescent
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24339. (Syed Imran Haider & Sar­fraz Khan) Geo-Pol­i­tics of Syr­i­an Con­flict: Role of Regional, 
. . . . . Extra-Region­al and Non-State Actors in the Sit­u­a­tion [arti­cle]

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