Image of the Month — Mt. Logan

Canada’s high­est moun­tain [5,959 m / 19,551 ft], rarely seen, even by air. It is almost always obscured by clouds or storms, and is sur­round­ed by 75,000 square kilo­me­tres [30,000 square miles] of glac­i­ers and rugged peaks. On the 5,000-metre-high [16,000 ft] plateau, air tem­per­a­ture hov­ers around −45 °C /−49 °F in win­ter. It was first sum­mit­ed in 1925 by a team of Cana­di­an, Amer­i­can and British climbers, the task tak­ing 65 days. The first solo assent was made in 2018 by Monique Richard. I was thrilled enough to fly over the out­er por­tion of the plateau and spot it in the far dis­tance, in 1995.

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