24409. (Steven Has­san) Com­bat­ting Cult Mind Control
24410. (Kapil Raj) His­toire d’un inven­taire oublié [arti­cle]
24411. (Jack­son Craw­ford) Bleikr, Gulr, and the Cat­e­go­riza­tion of Col­or in Old Norse [arti­cle]
24412. (Kath­leen Belew) Bring the War Home
24413. (David Alt­man & Rossana Cas­tiglioni) Deter­mi­nants of Equi­table Social Pol­i­cy in Latin 
. . . . . Amer­i­ca 1990–2013 [arti­cle]
24414. (Anna Belfer-Cohen & Erel­la Hov­ers) The Ground Stone Assem­blages of the Natufian 
. . . . . and Neolith­ic Soci­eties of the Lev­ant – Cur­rent Sta­tus [arti­cle]
24415. (Time Reynolds, et al) Shanidar Cave and the Bara­dos­t­ian, a Zagros Aurignacian 
. . . . . Indus­try [arti­cle]
24416. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) The Demo­c­ra­t­ic Uni­ver­si­ty [arti­cle]
24417. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Safe­ty in Num­bers: Strength­en­ing Resis­tance to Anti-democratic 
. . . . . Chal­lenges [arti­cle]
24418. (Car­men Cuen­ca-Gar­cía, et al) Sens­ing Archae­ol­o­gy in the North: The Use of Non-
. . . . . Destruc­tive Geo­phys­i­cal and Remote Sens­ing Meth­ods in Archae­ol­o­gy in 
. . . . . Scan­di­na­vian and North Atlantic Ter­ri­to­ries [arti­cle]
24419. (Estela Cristi­na Vieira de Siqueira & Cícero Krupp da Luz) Contextualizing 
. . . . . Envi­ron­men­tal Migra­tion: The Gap between the Legal Nature of Refuge and 
. . . . . Envi­ron­ment dur­ing the Age of Glob­al Warm­ing and Nat­ur­al Cat­a­stro­phes [arti­cle]
24420. (Mehreen Ahmed) The Inter­lude [sto­ry]
24421. [2] (Jack Vance) The Dying Earth

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