(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose: Ep.2
(Stein­mann 1980) The Unseen
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (439) The Unseen
(Abra­hams, Zuck­er & Zuck­er 1983) Zor­ro, the Gay Blade
(McGoohan 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.6 ― Many Hap­py Returns
(Camp­bell 2006) Casi­no Royale
(Mack­endrick 1957) The Sweet Smell of Success
(Dmytryk 1964) The Carpetbaggers
(Jones 1989) Erik the Viking
(Ander­son 2012) Moon­rise Kingdom
(Bridges 1965) Invasion
(Pierce 1985) Bog­gy Creek 2
(Bianchi 2011) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.170 ― Back to the Pilot
(Chaf­fey 1967) The Pris­on­er: Ep.7 ― Dance of the Dead
(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose: Ep.3
(Clark 1963) Flipper
(Rebane 1975) The Giant Spi­der Invasion
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (451) The Giant Spi­der Invasion
(Sewell 1954) Radio Cab Murder
(Guest 1954) The Run­away Bus
(Haskin 1953) The War of the Worlds
(Brooks 1955) Black­board Jungle
(Nugent 1943) The Crys­tal Ball
(Cun­ning­ham 1989) Deep­star Six
(Tenold 2020) Brandon’s Cult Movie Reviews: Deep­star Six
(Ordung 1954) Mon­ster From the Ocean Floor
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (449) Mon­ster From the Ocean Floor
(Muraka­mi 1980) Bat­tle Beyond the Stars
(Trelfer 2016) Dark Cor­ners Review: (63) Bat­tle Beyond the Stars
(Cer­vone 2020) Scoob
(Tenold 2017) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Reviews: Bat­tle Beyond the Stars
(One 2017) A Boy Who Wished to Be Oku­da Tamio and a Girl Who Drove All Men Crazy
(Holt­house 2006) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.57 ― Pic­ture of Innocence
(Curiel 1962) The Mon­sters Demol­ish­er [Nos­tradamus y el destruc­tor de monstruos]
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: (454) The Mon­sters Demolisher
(Bra­bin 1932) The Mask of Fu Manchu
(Bava 1986) Demons 2: The Night­mare Is Back
(Tenold 2020) Brandon’s Cult Movie Reviews: Demons 2
(Lit­tle 1988) Hal­loween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

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