24422. (Kewin Peche-Quili­chi­ni) Âge du Bronze, Âge de Guerre ― Vio­lence organ­isée et 
. . . . . expres­sions de la force au IIe mil­lé­naire avant J.-C. [con­fer­ence report]
24423. (Gary Rollef­son) Tumul­tuous Times in the Eighth and Sev­enth Mil­len­nia BC in the 
. . . . . South­ern Lev­ant [arti­cle]
24424. (Siniša Maleše­vić) Imag­ined Com­mu­ni­ties and Imag­i­nary Plots: Nationalisms, 
. . . . . Con­spir­a­cies, and Pan­demics in the Longue Durée [arti­cle]
24425. (Har­ald Meller) Princes, Gold Weapons and Armies ― Reflec­tions on the Dieskau Gold 
. . . . . Find and its Pos­si­ble Ori­gin from the Ear­ly Bronze Age Born­höck Bar­row near 
. . . . . Dieskau in the Saalekreis Dis­trict [arti­cle]
24426. (Avram David­son) The Ene­my of My Enemy
24427. (Jür­gen Bruns-Berentelg, Luise Nor­ing & Adam Gry­de­høj) Devel­op­ing Urban Growth 
. . . . . and Urban Qual­i­ty: Entre­pre­neur­ial Gov­er­nance and Urban Rede­vel­op­ment Projects 
. . . . . in Copen­hagen and Ham­burg [arti­cle]
24428. (Maria Xime­na Sen­a­tore) Archae­olo­gies in Antarc­ti­ca from Nos­tal­gia to Cap­i­tal­ism: A 
. . . . . Review [arti­cle]
24429. [2] (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #2 [comix]
24430. (A. Nigel Gor­ing-Mor­ris & Anna Belfer-Cohen) The South­ern Lev­ant {Cisjor­dan} during 
. . . . . the Neolith­ic Peri­od [arti­cle]
24431. (Jack­son Craw­ford) Old Norse-Ice­landic {þú} est and {þú} ert [arti­cle]
24432. (Fred C. Woud­huizen) The Luwians of West­ern Ana­to­lia ― Their Neigh­bours and 
. . . . . Predecessors
24433. (Faus­to Ver­anzio) Machi­nae Novae, 1616

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