24434. (William Shake­speare) Son­net 2 “When forty win­ters shall besiege thy brow”
24435. (Dex­ter Roberts) Tes­ti­mo­ny before the U.S.-China Eco­nom­ic and Secu­ri­ty Review
. . . . . Com­mis­sion, Sept 9, 2020 [selec­tion]
24436. (Andrey N. Petrov, et al) Build­ing Resilient Arc­tic Sci­ence Amid the COVID-19
. . . . . Pan­dem­ic [arti­cle]
24437. (Dex­ter Roberts) The Myth of Chi­nese Capitalism
24438. (Antho­ny E. Marks) The Pale­olith­ic of Ara­bia in an Inter-region­al Context
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24439. (Adam David­son) The Pas­sion Economy
24440. (Amanuel Beyin) The Bab al Mandab vs the Nile-Lev­ant: An Appraisal of the Two
. . . . . Dis­per­sal Routes for Ear­ly Mod­ern Humans Out of Africa [arti­cle]
24441. (Louise A. Hitch­cock) Under­stand­ing the Minoan Palaces [arti­cle]
24442. (Louise A. Hitch­cock) View from the West: Why Aegean Archae­ol­o­gy Matters
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24443. (Fred C. Woud­huizen) The Old Indo-Euro­pean Lay­er in the Mediter­ranean as
. . . . . Rep­re­sent­ed by Hydronyms, Toponyms, and Ethics [arti­cle]
24445. (Heike Drot­bohm & Nan­neke Win­ters) The Event in Migrant Categorization:
. . . . . Explor­ing Event­ful­ness Across the Amer­i­c­as [arti­cle]
24446. (Louise A. Hitch­cock) Knos­sos Is Burn­ing: Gen­der Bend­ing the Minoan Genius
. . . . . [arti­cle]
24447. (David Wen­grow) The Ori­gins of Mon­sters: A Pré­cis [arti­cle]
24448. (Geof­frey J. Matthews [car­tog­ra­ph­er] & R. Cole Har­ris) His­tor­i­cal Atlas of
. . . . . Cana­da, Vol.1 ― From the Begin­ning to 1800
24449. (Geof­frey J. Matthews [car­tog­ra­ph­er], R. Louis Gen­til­core, Don Measner, &
. . . . . Ronald H. Walder) His­tor­i­cal Atlas of Cana­da, Vol.2 ― The Land Transformed
. . . . . 1800–1891
24450. (Geof­frey J. Matthews [car­tog­ra­ph­er], Don­ald Kerr, Deryck W. Holdsworth &
. . . . . Susan L. Laskin) His­tor­i­cal Atlas of Cana­da, Vol.3 ― Address­ing the Twentieth
. . . . . Century

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