(Reed 1949) The Third Man
(Lud­wig 1936) Adven­ture in Manhattan
(Ralling 1971) The Search for the Nile: Ep.5 ― Find Livingstone
(Mar­quand 1971) The Search for the Nile: Ep.6 ― Con­quest and Death
(Lean 1952) Break­ing the Sound Bar­ri­er [aka The Sound Barrier]
(Malat­es­ta 1963) Colos­sus vs the Head­hunters [Maciste con­tro i cac­cia­tori di teste]
(Trelfer 2020) Bela Lugosi: The Rise of Dracula
(Arnold 1953) It Came from Out­er Space
(Chap­lin 1917) The Immigrant
(Chalmers 1928) The Sex Life of the Polyp
(Olsen 1979) The Lit­tlest Hobo: Ep.10 ― Boy on Wheels
(Darn­ley-Smith 1980) The Lit­tlest Hobo: Ep.19 ― Romi­et and Julio
(Rudzin­s­ki & Orabona 2019) Sav­age X Fen­ty Show
(Avild­sen 1984) The Karate Kid
(Han 1979) Black Star and the Gold­en Bat 
(Tenold 2020) Brandon’s Cult Movie Reviews: Kore­an Bat­man [Black Star and the 
. . . Gold­en Bat]
(Malat­es­ta 1963) Colos­sus vs the Head­hunters [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Gar­nett 1946) The Post­man Always Rings Twice
(Biber­man 1936) Meet Nero Wolfe
(Blair 2010) Accused: Ep.1 ― Willy’s Story
(Tal­bert 2020) Jin­gle Jan­gle: A Christ­mas Journey
(Car­dona & Mur­ray 1959) San­ta Claus [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Pow­ell 1941) The 49th Parallel
(Cahn 1958) Curse of the Face­less Man
(Olcott 1910) A Lad from Old Ireland
(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose: Ep.4
(Bass 1964) The Search­ing Eye
(Pros­peri 1983) The Throne of Fire [Il trono di fuoco]
(Trelfer 2020) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Throne of Fire
(Rye 1989) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.6 ― Tri­an­gle at Rhodes
(Pab­los & López 2019) Klaus
(Greene 1959) The Cos­mic Man
(Coop­er 2020) Roman Britain: The Work of Giants Crum­bled [Fall of Civ­i­liza­tions, ep.1]
(O’Con­nol­ly 1972) Hor­ror on Snape Island [aka Tow­er of Evil]
(Ander­son & Frankel 1974) Inva­sion: UFO
(Stoney 1956) The Boy Who Saw Through
(Clay­ton 1961) The Innocents
(Cur­tiz 1938) Angels With Dirty Faces
(Grif­fith 1916) Intolerance
(Sholem 1953) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.25 ― The Unknown Peo­ple, Part 1
(Sholem 1953) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.26 ― The Unknown Peo­ple, Part 2
(Bitzer 1905) 2 A.M. in the Subway
(Olcott & Rose 1907) Ben Hur
(Ford 1946) Val­ley of the Zombies
(Gor­ris 1995) Anto­ni­a’s Line
(Carey-Hill 2008) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.33–76 ― Ben­der’s Big Score
(Camp­bell & Math­ias 2020) Death to 2020
(Strauss-Schul­son 2019) Isn’t It Romantic
(Cun­ning­ham 1983) Spring Break

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