(Stone 2021) The Dig
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.16 ― The
. . . Tower’s Secret
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.17 ― Never
. . . Say Die
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.18 ― Boys
. . . In Danger
(Haas 1956) The Hardy Boys: The Mys­tery of the Apple­gate Trea­sure: Ep.19 ― The
. . . Tow­er Treasure

(Kalmanow­icz 1980) The Children
(Trelfer 2021) My Dark Cor­ners Review: The Children
(Riberolles 2013) Life on Fire: Ep.3 ― The Sur­prise Salmon
(Yone­da 1996) Rebirth of Moth­ra [モスラ; Mosura]
(Tenold 2021) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Rebirth of Mothra
(Mendes 2012) Skyfall
(Sher­wood 1957) The Mono­lith Monsters
(Samuels 2003) Cas­tle: Ep.2 ― Rochester Siege
(Chrighton 1964) Dan­ger Man: Ep.40 ― Yes­ter­day’s Enemies
(Guest 1951) The Day the Earth Caught Fire
(Dante 2014) Trail­ers from Hell: Joe Dante on Plan­et of the Vampires
(Bava 1965) Plan­et Of The Vam­pires [Ter­rore nel­lo spazio]
(Hive­ly 1979) Huck­le­ber­ry Finn an His Friends: Ep.1― Wel­come Neighbour
(Hive­ly 1979) Huck­le­ber­ry Finn an His Friends: Ep.2― Love In Bloom
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.10 ― France — Sep­tem­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Bar­ry 1984) Tripods: Ep.11 ― France — Octo­ber, 2089 A.D.
(Zin­ne­mann 1952) The Mem­ber of the Wedding
(Dahl­by 1997) The Fifties: Ep.1
(Chaf­fey 1964) Dan­ger Man: Ep.42― Colony Three
(Hitch­cock 1936) Sabotage
(Hur­witz & Schloss­berg 2019) Cobra Kai: Ep.12 ― Back in Black
(Miyoshi 1997) Rebirth of Moth­ra 2 [aka Moth­ra 2: The Under­sea Battle]
(Hair 2021) Rick and Morty: Ep.42 ― Mort Din­ner Rick Andre
(Colum­bus 2001) Har­ry Pot­ter and the Philoso­pher’s Stone [extend­ed version]
(Black 1936) Dis­or­der in the Court [Three Stooges short #15]
(Amateau 1987) The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
(Rafill 1988) Mac and Me [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Breen 2018) Twist­ed Pair
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: Twist­ed Pair
(Gilliam 2009) The Imag­i­nar­i­um of Doc­tor Parnassus
(Gray 2021) Rick and Morty: Ep.43 ― Mortyplicity
(Bar­ron 1973) Jeremy
(Crab­tree 1958) Fiend With­out a Face
(Lewis 1941) The Invis­i­ble Ghost
(Trelfer 2021) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Invis­i­ble Ghost
(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose: Ep.7
(Bat­tia­to 2019) The Name of the Rose: Ep.8

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