(Leis­sen 1959) The Twi­light Zone: Ep.4 ― The Six­teen-Mil­lime­ter Shrine
(Marin 1933) A Study in Scarlet
(Gazcón 1966) Rage
(Graves 2021) Foun­da­tion: Ep.3 ― The Mathematician’s Ghost
(Pat­ter­son 2022) Har­ry Pot­ter 20th Anniver­sary: Return to Hogwarts
(Sny­der 2021) Zack Sny­der’s Jus­tice League
(Usti­nov 1962) Bil­ly Budd
(Utsu­mi 2018) Banana Fish: Ep.1 ― A Per­fect Day for Bananafish
(Irvin 2014) Nowhere Boys: Ep.18
(Winer­both­am 1993) Crack­er: Ep.1 ― The Mad Woman In The Attic
(Apa­tow 2005) The 40-Year-Old Virgin
(Dun­ning 1968) Yel­low Submarine
(Wil­son 1993) Crack­er: Ep.2 ― To Say I Love You
(Ser­vice Film Corp. 1925) Fifty Mil­lion Years Ago [recut of Vor 50 Mil­lio­nen Jahren (1924)]
(Laloux 1073) La Planète Sauvage [Fan­tas­tic Planet]
(Lester 1999) Class of 1999
(Tenold 2021) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Class of 1999
(Moore 1963) Per­ry Mason: Ep.191 ― The Case of the Devi­ous Delinquent
(Jones 1993) Crack­er: Ep.3 ― One Day a Lem­ming Will Fly
(Mur­phy 2016) The Last King­dom: Ep.1
(Rye 2010) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.74 ― The Sword of Guillaume
(Boettch­er 2018) Bet­ty White: First Lady of Television
(O’Brien 1915) The Dinosaur and the Miss­ing Link: A Pre­his­toric Tragedy
(O’Brien 1917) R.F.D. 10,000 B.C.
(O’Brien 1918) The Ghost of Slum­ber Mountain
(O’Brien 1921) Along the Moon­beam Trail
(McK­ay 2021) Don’t Look Up

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