(Arm­strong 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.13 — Beyond the Grave
(Simp­son 1987) A Dorothy L. Say­ers Mys­tery: Gaudy Night, Ep.1
(Simp­son 1987) A Dorothy L. Say­ers Mys­tery: Gaudy Night, Ep.2
(Simp­son 1987) A Dorothy L. Say­ers Mys­tery: Gaudy Night, Ep.3
(Hogan 1941) Ellery Queen and the Per­fect Crime
(Kako­gian­nos 1964) Zor­ba the Greek
(Leeds 1938) Island in the Sky
(Marks 1961) Per­ry Mason: Ep.109 ― The Case of the Res­olute Reformer
(Davies & Wharm­by 1980) Why Did­n’t They Ask Evans? [minis­eries]
(Paroli­ni 1977) Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century
(Trelfer 2017) Dark Cor­ners Review: Yeti — Giant of the 20th Century
(Trelfer 2022) Dark Cor­ners Review: The Lost Empire
(Tenold 2021) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: (260) Yeti
(David 1972) Lord Peter Wim­sey: Clouds of Wit­ness [minis­eries]
(West 1926) The Bat
(Iso 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren: ep.1 ― Extrater­res­tri­al Emissaries
(Levy 2022) The Adam Project
(Wil­son 1973) Lord Peter Wim­sey: The Unpleas­ant­ness at the Bel­lona Club [minis­eries]
(Mears 2015) A Grand Night In: The Sto­ry of Aardman 
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Ep.16
(Bar­ry 1985) Tripods: Ep.17
(Ben­nett 1973) Lord Peter Wim­sey: Mur­der Must Adver­tise [minis­eries]
(Iso 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren: ep.2 ― Mist and Darkness
(Hellings 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.66 ― Talk­ing to the Dead
(Adreon 1966) Cyborg 2087
(Trelfer 2022) Dark Cor­ners Review: Cyborg 2087
(Men­muir 1974) Lord Peter Wim­sey: The Nine Taylors
(Tron­son 1975) Lord Peter Wim­sey: Five Red Herrings
(Hawes 2008) Mer­lin: Ep.2 ― Valiant
(Car­pen­ter 1980) The Fog
(Rossi 2022) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.1 ― Smoke Signals
(Graves 2021) Foun­da­tion: Ep.4 ― Bar­bar­ians at the Gate
(Iso 2022) The Orbital Chil­dren: ep.3 ― Lunatic Seven
(Tenold 2022) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: War of the Worlds
(Trelfer 2022) The Golem: Hor­ror’s First Francise
(Berg­er 2018) The Ter­ror: Ep.1 ― Go for Broke
(Cas­tle 1986) The Boy Who Could Fly
(Cozzi 1985) The Adven­tures of Her­cules [Le avven­ture del­l’in­cred­i­bile Ercole]
(West 1930) The Bat Whis­pers [aka The Whis­per­ing Bat]
(Trelfer 2022) Dark Cor­ners Review: Boris Karloff ― The Man Behind the Monster
(Trelfer 2022) Dark Cor­ners Review: (569) Lair of the White Worm
(Rus­sell 1988) Lair of the White Worm
(Tenold 2022) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Lair of the White Worm
(Dante 1989) The Burbs
(Rossi 2022) The Andy Warhol Diaries: Ep.2 ― Shad­ows: Andy & Jed
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.18
(Blag­den 1985) Tripods: Ep.19

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