24876. (Gary O. Rollef­son & Zei­dan Kafafi) The 1996 Sea­son at ‘Ayn Ghazāl: Preliminary 
. . . . . Report [arti­cle]
24877. (Alexan­der Ref­sum Jense­nius) Son­ic Microin­t­er­ac­tion in “the Air” [arti­cle]
24878. (Efem N. Ubi & Vin­cent Ibonye) Is Lib­er­al Democ­ra­cy Fail­ing in Africa or Is Africa 
. . . . . Fail­ing under Lib­er­al Democ­ra­cy? [arti­cle]
24879. (Kon­stan­ti­nos Kopa­nias & Gio­ta Bar­la­gian­ni) Unequal in Life but Equal in Death? 
. . . . . The Mor­tu­ary Evi­dence for Social Strat­i­fi­ca­tion in the Ubaid Poli­ties [arti­cle]
24880. (Seth Brew­ing­ton, et al) Islands of Change vs. Islands of Dis­as­ter: Man­ag­ing Pigs 
. . . . . and Birds in the Anthro­pocene of the North Atlantic [arti­cle]
24881. (Theodor Cim­peanu, et al) Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence Devel­op­ment Races in 
. . . . . Het­ero­ge­neous Set­tings [arti­cle]
24882. (S. Fred­er­ick Starr) Lost Enlight­en­ment ― Cen­tral Asi­a’s Gold­en Age
24883. (James H. Bar­rett, et al) Wal­rus­es on the Dnieper: New Evi­dence for the 
. . . . . Inter­con­ti­nen­tal Trade of Green­landic Ivory in the Mid­dle Ages [arti­cle]
24884. (Joseph Grif­fith) Dark Psy­chol­o­gy Secret 
24885. (Davi­da Eisen­berg-Degen, Roy Galili & Steven A. Rosen) Before God: 
. . . . . Recon­struct­ing Rit­u­al in the Desert in Pro­to-His­toric Times [arti­cle]
24886. (K. N. Pan­di­ta) Ibn Sīnā [Avi­cen­na], A. D. 980‑1037, An Introduction
24887. (Richard Wilk) Poems on the Theme of “Glean­ing” [verse]
24888. (Steven Hart­man) The Rise of Amer­i­can Eco­l­it­er­a­ture [arti­cle]

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