(Rye 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.69 ― Secrets and Spies
(Bott 2019) Stand­ing with Stones
(Allen 1975) Love and Death
(Asquith 1951) The Brown­ing Version
(Lawrence 1958) The Crawl­ing Eye [aka The Trol­len­berg Terror]
(Hil­len­burg 2004) The Sponge­Bob SquarePants Movie
(Holt­house 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.70 ― The Glitch
(Chaf­fey 1963) Jason and the Argonauts
(1900) Dance
(Méliès 1901) L’homme à la tête en caoutchouc [The India Rub­ber Head]
(1901) L’om­nibus des toqués blancs et noirs [Off to Bloom­ing­dale Asylum]
(Méliès 1901) Dis­lo­ca­tion mystérieuse
(1901) Sal­ford v Batley
(Méliès 1901) Barbe-bleue [Blue­beard]
(Porter & Flem­ing 1901) What Hap­pened on Twen­ty-third Street, New York City
(Heyes 1964) Kit­ten with a Whip

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