25053. (Nushin Arbabzadah & Nile Green) Between Afghan “Idol­og­ra­phy” and Kafir 
. . . . . “Autoethnog­ra­phy”: A Mus­lim Con­vert Describes His For­mer Reli­gion [arti­cle]
25054. (George Mag­nus) Red Flags ― Why Xi’s Chi­na Is in Jeopardy
25055. (Clau­dia Chang) Inner Asian Pas­toral­ism in the Iron Age: The Tal­gar Case, 
. . . . . South-East­ern Kaza­khstan [arti­cle]
25056. (Dan Davis) The Wolf God
25057. (Oula Seit­so­nen) Change and Con­ti­nu­ity in the Holocene Lithics Use in the 
. . . . . Nyan­za Province, Kenya: A Gen­er­al Overview [arti­cle]
25058. (Fred­erique Dar­ragon) The Matri­ar­chal Soci­eties’ Case ― How Chi­nese Data 
. . . . . about the Dong Nuguo Could Entice West­ern Schol­ars to Re-Open It [arti­cle]
(Arthur Machen) The Great God Pan and The Inmost Light:
. . . . 25059. (Arthur Machen) The Great God Pan [novel­la]
. . . . 25060. (Arthur Machen) The Inmost Light [sto­ry]
25061. (Eber­hard Zang­ger) Were Myce­naeans Inter­na­tion­al Traders or Just Hitchhikers? 
. . . . . [review of Towards the Bor­ders of the Bronze Age and Beyond: Myce­naean
. . . . . Long Dis­tance Trav­el and Its Reflec­tion in Myth by Jörg Mull] 
25062. (Paul Krug­man) Argu­ing with Zombies
25063. (Van­ge­lis Tour­loukis & Pana­gi­o­tis Karkanas) The Mid­dle Pleistocene 
. . . . . Archae­o­log­i­cal Record of Greece and the role of the Aegean in Hominin 
. . . . . Dis­per­sals: New Data and Inter­pre­ta­tions] [arti­cle]
25066. Isha Upan­ishad [as Śrī Īśopanișad; ईशोपनिषद्] [tr. A. C. Bhak­tovedan­ta Swami 
. . . . . Prab­hu­pa­da] [also read in Max Mueller trans­la­tion at 4330]
25067. [2] (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #3 [comix]
25068. (Susan L. Shirk) Over­reach ― How Chi­na Derailed Its Peace­ful Rise
25069. (John Dunn) Set­ting the Peo­ple Free ― The Sto­ry of Democracy
25070. (Jonathan Lear) Rad­i­cal Hope ― Ethics in the Face of Cul­tur­al Devastation

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