(Capra 1937) Lost Horizon
(Franken­heimer 1966) Seconds
(Markle 1963) The Incred­i­ble Journey
(Bridges 1973) The Paper Chase
(Levin 1959) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of the Earth
(Sakak­ibara 2022) Gude­ta­ma, An Egg­cel­lent Adven­ture: Ep.1 ― What a Drag…
(Williams 2009) Make the Yule­tide Gay
(Mari­no 2018) Dis­en­chant­ment: Ep.2 ― For Whom the Pig Oinks
(Ray 1985) Biohazard
(Trelfer 2022) Dark Cor­ners Review: Biohazard
(Sakak­ibara 2022) Gude­ta­ma, An Egg­cel­lent Adven­ture: Ep.2 ― So Dizzy
(del Toro 2022) Guiller­mo del Toro’s Pinocchio

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