25071. (John Wilkins) The Discovery of a New World: or, a Discourse tending to Prove,
. . . . . that it is Probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon [1638]
25072. (Mike Curato) Flamer [graphic novel]
25073. (Richard Thompson, et al) In Search of Pleistocene Remains at the Gates of
. . . . . Europe: Directed Surface Survey of the Megalopolis Basin [article]
25074. (Matti Charlton) You’re Mine ― A True Story for Brave Little Ones [graphic story]
25075. (Eberhard Zangger & Serdal Mutlu) Putting the Luwian Culture on the Map
. . . . . [article]
25076. (Bennett Bacon, et al) An Upper Palaeolithic Proto-writing System and
. . . . . Phenological Calendar [article]
25077. (Matti Charlton) The Ballast Boy [novella]
25078. The Voynich Manuscript [facsimile]
25079. (Sachin Kundalkar) Cobalt Blue
25080. (Yvan Maligorne & Ambroise Lassalle) Iconographie funéraire de Narbonne:
. . . . . à propos d’un relief figurant un combat naval [article]
25081. (Xinyuan Zhang, et al) Mission Overview and Initial Observation Results of the
. . . . . X‑Ray Pulsar Navigation‑I Satellite [article]
25082. (Julian Winters) The Summer of Everything
25083. (Joseba Rios-Garaizar, et al) Late Prehistoric Coastal Settlement Patterns in the
. . . . . Cantabrian Region, Northern Spain [article]
25084. [2] (Michel de Montaigne) De l’amitié [original text] [read in Florio tr. at 9575]
25085. (Alex Sanchez & Julie Maroh) You Brought Me the Ocean [graphic novel]
25086. (Bert Groenewoudt, et al) Mapping Lost Woodland, An Attempt to Use the Spatial
. . . . . Distribution of Woodland-Related Place Names as a Proxy for Localizing
. . . . . Woodland in the Middle Ages [article]
25087. (Colin Legerton & Jacob Rawson) Invisible China ― A Journey Through Ethnic
. . . . . Borderlands
25088. (Nile Green) Kebabs and Port Wine: The Culinary Cosmopolitanism of Anglo-
. . . . . Persian Dining, 1800–1835 [article]
Posted by Phil Paine
on January 31, 2023
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