25071. (John Wilkins) The Dis­cov­ery of a New World: or, a Dis­course tend­ing to Prove, 
. . . . . that it is Prob­a­ble there may be anoth­er Hab­it­able World in the Moon [1638]
25072. (Mike Cura­to) Flamer [graph­ic novel]
25073. (Richard Thomp­son, et al) In Search of Pleis­tocene Remains at the Gates of 
. . . . . Europe: Direct­ed Sur­face Sur­vey of the Mega­lopo­lis Basin [arti­cle]
25074. (Mat­ti Charl­ton) You’re Mine ― A True Sto­ry for Brave Lit­tle Ones [graph­ic story] 
25075. (Eber­hard Zang­ger & Serdal Mut­lu) Putting the Luwian Cul­ture on the Map 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25076. (Ben­nett Bacon, et al) An Upper Palae­olith­ic Pro­to-writ­ing Sys­tem and 
. . . . . Phe­no­log­i­cal Cal­en­dar [arti­cle]
25077. (Mat­ti Charl­ton) The Bal­last Boy [novel­la]
25078. The Voyn­ich Man­u­script [fac­sim­i­le]
25079. (Sachin Kun­dalkar) Cobalt Blue
25080. (Yvan Malig­orne & Ambroise Las­salle) Icono­gra­phie funéraire de Narbonne: 
. . . . . à pro­pos d’un relief fig­u­rant un com­bat naval [arti­cle]
25081. (Xinyuan Zhang, et al) Mis­sion Overview and Ini­tial Obser­va­tion Results of the 
. . . . . X‑Ray Pul­sar Navigation‑I Satel­lite [arti­cle]
25082. (Julian Win­ters) The Sum­mer of Everything
25083. (Jose­ba Rios-Garaizar, et al) Late Pre­his­toric Coastal Set­tle­ment Pat­terns in the 
. . . . . Cantabri­an Region, North­ern Spain [arti­cle]
25084. [2] (Michel de Mon­taigne) De l’ami­tié [orig­i­nal text] [read in Flo­rio tr. at 9575]
25085. (Alex Sanchez & Julie Maroh) You Brought Me the Ocean [graph­ic novel]
25086. (Bert Groe­newoudt, et al) Map­ping Lost Wood­land, An Attempt to Use the Spatial 
. . . . . Dis­tri­b­u­tion of Wood­land-Relat­ed Place Names as a Proxy for Localizing 
. . . . . Wood­land in the Mid­dle Ages [arti­cle]
25087. (Col­in Leg­erton & Jacob Raw­son) Invis­i­ble Chi­na ― A Jour­ney Through Ethnic 
. . . . . Borderlands
25088. (Nile Green) Kebabs and Port Wine: The Culi­nary Cos­mopoli­tanism of Anglo-
. . . . . Per­sian Din­ing, 1800–1835 [arti­cle]

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