25089. [2] (Robert McClod­key) Homer Price
25090. (Rose­mary Sut­cliffe) Beowulf [sto­ry]
25091. (Peter S. Ungar) Evo­lu­tion’s Bite ― A Sto­ry of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins
25092. (Jesús Gil Fuen­san­ta, Alfre­do Mederos Martín & Otabek Ukta­movich Muminov) 
. . . . . Not Far from the Lim­its of the North­ern Uruk Cul­ture in the Middle/Upper
. . . . . Euphrates: the Lat­er Cal­col­ith­ic Lev­els of Surte­pe [arti­cle]
25093. (Susan Dewey, et al) Con­trol Creep and the Mul­ti­ple Exclu­sions Faced by Women 
. . . . . in Low-Auton­o­my Sex Indus­try Sec­tors [arti­cle]
25094. (Raziel Reid) When Every­thing Feels Like the Movies
25095. (Joseph R. Bish­op & Pas­cal Gag­neux) Evo­lu­tion of Car­bo­hy­drate Antigens ― 
. . . . . Micro­bial Forces Shap­ing Host Gly­comes? [arti­cle]
25096. (Gun­nar Hein­sohn) Lon­dini­um and Lun­den­wic Were Not 700 Years Apart [arti­cle]
25097. (Ian B. Brem­mer) The Pow­er of Crisis
25098. (Mar­cel Pag­nol) Mar­ius [play]
25099. (Robert McCloskey) Cen­ter­burg Tales
25100. (Tove Jans­son) The Moomins and the Great Flood [Småtrollen och den stora 
. . . . . översvämningen]
25101. (Tom Oost­ing, et al) Unlock­ing the Poten­tial of Ancient Fish DNA in the Genomic 
. . . . . Era [arti­cle]
25102. (Becky Cham­bers) To Be Taught, If Fortunate
25103. (Noam R. Izen­berg, et al) The Venus Life Equa­tion [arti­cle]

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