(Cor­nelius 1949) Pass­port to Pimlico
(Roman 2016) Peach­es and Cream
(Hiller 1989) See No Evil, Hear No Evil
(Páls­son 2020) The Val­hal­la Mur­ders [Brot]: Ep.1 ― Nev­er Before Seen
(Noguchi 1967) Gap­pa: The Triphib­ian Mon­ster [大巨獣ガッパ]
(Tenold 2023) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Gap­pa — The Triphib­ian Monster
(Apt­ed 1983) Gorky Park
(Halperin 1930) Par­ty Girl
(Kor­da & Pag­nol 1931) Marius
(Reins 1991) Space Thun­der Kids
(Tenold 2022) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Space Thun­der Kids
(Dobkin 2020) Euro­vi­sion Song Con­test: The Sto­ry of Fire Saga
(Somer­ton 2023) How Hol­ly­wood Was Born Gay
(Clark 1979) Mur­der by Decree
(Dhont 2022) Close

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