(Tau­rog 1965) Dr. Gold­foot and the Biki­ni Machine
(Tenold 2023) Bran­don’s Cult Movie Review: Dr. Gold­foot and the Bikini 
. . . Machine
(Nyby 1951) The Thing [from Anoth­er World]
(Paper Will 2021) Enter­tain­ment Made by Cults
(Cass 1952) Cas­tle in the Air
(Fish­er 1962) Sher­lock Holmes and the Dead­ly Neck­lace [Sher­lock Holmes 
und das Hals­band des Todes]
(Lean 1948) Oliv­er Twist
(Hitch­cock 1947) The Para­dine Case
(Mann 2008) Mur­doch Mys­ter­ies: Ep.1 ― Power
(Nguyen 2022) Bir­d­em­ic 3: Sea Eagle
(Nishi­tani 2022) The Hound of the Baskervilles: Sher­lock Holmes the Movie 
. . . [バスカヴィル家の犬 シャーロック劇場版]
(Forde 1941) Sleep­ers West
(Hugh­es 1954) The House Across the Lake
(Hewitt 1967) Jour­ney to the Cen­ter of Time

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