25131. (Dmit­ry Dubrovsky) Escape from Free­dom. The Russ­ian Aca­d­e­m­ic Community 
. . . . . and the Prob­lem of Aca­d­e­m­ic Righst and Free­doms [arti­cle]
25132. (David K. Wright) Impact of Farm­ing on African Land­scapes [arti­cle]
25133. (Joseph Kel­ly) Amer­i­ca’s Longest Siege ― Charleston, Slav­ery, and the Slow 
. . . . . March to Civ­il War
25134. (Clau­dia Chang, Sergei S. Ivanov & Per­ry A. Tourtel­lotte) Land­scape and 
. . . . . Set­tle­ment over 4 Mil­len­nia on the South Side of Lake Issyk Kul, Kyrgysztan: 
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25137. (Pavla Peter­le Udi­vič & Miran Erič) Log­boat from Ižan­s­ka I {SI-81} from 
. . . . . Ljubl­jana: New Evi­dence for Iron Age Trans­porta­tion on the Ljubljana 
. . . . . Marsh­es, Slove­nia [arti­cle]
25138. (James Ker-Lind­say & Miku­las Fab­ry) Suc­ces­sion and State Creation
25139. (Tris­tan Carter) Obsid­i­an Con­sump­tion in the Late Pleis­tocene ― Early 
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25140. (Michael R. Waters, Thomas W. Stafford Jr. & David L. Carl­son) The Age of 
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25141. (Mike Park­er Pear­son, et al) The Stone­henge River­side Project: Explor­ing the 
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25142. (Tomas Lars­son & Stithorn Thananithi­chot) Who Votes for Virtue? Reli­gion and 
. . . . . Par­ty Choice in Thai­land’s 2019 Elec­tion [arti­cle]

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