25218. (Sher­man Hol­lar) Ancient Egypt
25219. (John Flana­gan) Ranger’s Appren­tice: The Ruins of Gorlan
25220. (Ben­jamin D. San­ter, et al) Excep­tion­al Stratos­pher­ic Con­tri­bu­tion to Human 
. . . . . Fin­ger On Atmos­pher­ic Tem­per­a­ture [arti­cle]
25221. (Rebec­ca Gib­lin & Cory Doc­torow) Choke­point Cap­i­tal­ism ― How Big Tech and
. . . . . Big Con­tent Cap­tured Cre­ative Labor Mar­kets and How We’ll Win Them Back
25222. (L. Sprague de Camp) The Great Fetish
25223. (Nan­cy Holmes ‑ed.) Open Wide a Wilder­ness ― Cana­di­an Nature Poems [verse]
25224. (Clau­dia Chang, et al) Mon­tane Eco­clines in Ancient Cen­tral Asia: A Preliminary 
. . . . . Study of Agropas­tro­ral Economies in Juuku, Kyr­gyzs­tan [arti­cle]
25225. (Joseph P. Lay­lock) Dan­ger­ous Games ― What the Moral Pan­ic over Role-Playing 
. . . . . Games Says about Play, Reli­gion, and Imag­ined Worlds
25226. (James Simp­son) Intro­duc­tion to The Nor­ton Anthol­o­gy of Eng­lish Literature: 
. . . . . The Mid­dle Ages to ca. 1485 [pref­ace]

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