25245. (Robert S. Allen) His Majesty’s Indi­an Allies ― British Indi­an Pol­i­cy in the 
. . . . . the Defence of Cana­da 1774–1815
25246. (Paul Howe) Erod­ing Norms and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Decon­sol­i­da­tion [arti­cle]
25247. (Ceren Civlan) A Brief Overview of the Effects of Mediter­ranean Pol­i­tics and 
. . . . . Ottoman-Haps­burg Con­flict on the Mod­ern Euro­pean Iden­ti­ty [arti­cle]
25248. (Jeff Good­ell) The Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched Planet
25249. (Bert Groe­newoudt, et al) Con­quest and Clear­ance: Char­coal Burn­ing as a 
. . . . . Pre­lude to Recla­ma­tion on New Domains along the North­ern Frank­ish Frontier, 
. . . . . 8th-10th Cen­tu­ry AD [arti­cle]
25250. (Peter Z. Revsz) Com­pute-Aid­ed Trans­la­tion of the Cre­tan Hiero­glyph­ic Script
25251. (Rud­yard Kipling) Puck of Pook’s Hill
25252. (Richard R. Wilk) Who Is to Blame for Post-Pleis­tocene Extinc­tions in the New 
. . . . . World? [arti­cle]
25253. (Peter von der Gath­en, et al) Cli­mate Change Favours Large Sea­son­al Loss of 
. . . . . Arc­tic Zone [arti­cle]
25254. (Long Chi Nguyen, et al) Cannabid­i­ol Inhibits SARS-CoV2 Repli­ca­tion and 
. . . . . Pro­motes the Host Innate Immune Respons­es [arti­cle]
25255. (Juk­ka Nyyssö­nen) Ger­man and Aus­tri­an Occu­pant Lit­er­a­ture on the Sami in 
. . . . . Nor­way and Lap­land ― “Harm­less” Minor­i­ty, a Resource, and Well-off 
. . . . . “Rein­deer Kings” [arti­cle]
25256. (Charles L. Marohn) Con­fes­sions of a Recov­er­ing Engineer

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