25284. (Hol­ly M. Dunsworth) Human Ori­gins 101
25285. [2] (Jean de Lafontaine) Fables de La Fontaine, Tome 2 
25286. (Mol­ly O. Pat­ter­son, et al) Sen­si­tiv­i­ty of the West Antarc­tic Ice Sheet 
. . . . . to +2˚C [SWAIS 2C] [arti­cle]
25287. (Jane Austen) Northang­er Abbey
25288. (George Mac­Don­ald) At the Back of the North Wind
25289. (Zheng Tiant­ian) Con­test­ing Het­ero­nor­mal­i­ty: Recast­ing Same-sex Desire in 
. . . . . Chi­na’s Past and Present [arti­cle]
25290. (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #5 [comix]
25291. [2] (William Shake­speare) Son­net #7 “Lo in the ori­ent when the gra­cious light” 
. . . . . [poem]
25292. (James Legge) The Pro­le­gom­e­na to the Chi­nese Classics
25293. (F. N. Robin­son) The Life of Chaucer; Canon and Chronol­o­gy; Lan­guage and 
. . . . . Meter [arti­cle]
25294. (Vic­tor D. Thomp­son & Jen­nifer Birch) The Pow­er of Vil­lages [arti­cle]
25295. (Philip Jose Farmer) The God Busi­ness [sto­ry]
25296. (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #6 [comix]

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