25323. (Robert A. Cook) The Vil­lage Remain s the Same: A Fort Ancient Exam­ple [arti­cle]
25324. (Vic­tor D. Thomp­son) Col­lec­tive Action and Vil­lage Life dur­ing the Late Archa­ic on 
. . . . . the Geor­gia Coast [arti­cle]
25325. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: The Knight’s Tale [in Mid­dle English]
25326. (Robert A. Hein­lein) The Dis­cov­ery of the Future [Guest of Hon­or speech, 
. . . . . 3rd World­con, Den­ver, 1941]
25327. (Anon. / Pseu­do-Orpheus, 4th c. CE) The Orphic Arg­onau­ti­ca [tr. Jason Colavito]
25328. (Lynne P. Sul­li­van) The Path to the Coun­cil House: The Devel­op­ment of 
. . . . . Mis­sis­sip­pi­an Com­mu­ni­ties in South­east Ten­nessee [arti­cle]
25329. (Prakash Tri­pathi) Tribes and For­est: A Crit­i­cal Appraisal of the Trib­al For­est Right 
. . . . . in India [arti­cle]
25330. (Sören Stark & Lau­ren Mor­ris) Between Alexan­der and Byzan­tium: Notions and 
. . . . . Con­cepts of the “West” in Cen­tral Asia, First Cen­tu­ry BCE — Eighth Cen­tu­ry CE 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25331. (Mau­rice Con­stan­tin-Wey­er) L’aven­ture vécue de Dumas Père
25332. (Alan Moore & Dave Gib­bons) Watch­men #7 [comix]
25333. (Lousie A. Hitch­cock, A. M. Maeir & M. Har­ris-Schober) Tomor­row Nev­er Dies: 
. . . . . Post-Pala­tial Mem­o­ries of the Aegean Late Bronze Age in the Mediterranean 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25334. (Ludovic Orlan­do) The Ori­gins and Spread of Domes­tic Hors­es from the Western
. . . . . Eurasian Steppes [arti­cle]

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