25351. (F. Scott Fitzger­ald) Ten­der Is the Night
25352. [3] (Geof­frey Chaucer) The Can­ter­bury Tales: The Reeve’s Pro­logue and Tale [in Mid­dle English]
25353. (Irm­gard Wolder­ing) The Art of Egypt ― The Time of the Pharaohs
25354. (Mareike C. Stahlschmidt, et al) Ancient Mam­malian Plant DNA from Late Qua­ter­nary Stalagmite 
. . . . . Lay­ers at Solko­ta Caves, Geor­gia [arti­cle]
25355. (Christo­pher Anvil) The Steel, the Mist, and the Blaz­ing Sun
25356. (Nan­no Mar­i­natos) A Minoan Rid­dle: Sug­ges­tions about the Reli­gious Stan­dard on a Fres­co from 
. . . . . Xeste 4, Akrotiri [arti­cle]
25357. [2] (William Shake­speare) Son­net 12 “When I do count the clock that tells the time”
25358. (Vaclav Smil) Glob­al Cat­a­stro­phes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years
25359. (Nan­no Mar­i­natos) Reli­gious Inter­ac­tion between Egypt and the Aegean in the Second 
. . . . . Mil­len­ni­um BCE [arti­cle]
25360. (Cord­wain­er Smith) West­ern Sci­ence Is So Won­der­ful [sto­ry]
25361. (Mikael A. Man­ni­nen, et al) First Encoun­ters in the North: Cul­tur­al Diver­si­ty and Gene Flow 
. . . . . in Ear­ly Mesolith­ic Scan­di­navia [arti­cle]
25362. (Hen­ry Kut­tner) The Time Axis

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