25373. (Robert Charles Wil­son) Own­ing the Unknown: A Sci­ence Fic­tion Writer Explores 
. . . . . Athe­ism, Agnos­ti­cism, and the Idea of God
25374. (Christoph Bach­hu­ber) Bronze Age Cities of the Plains and Hills: The Ana­to­lian Plateau [arti­cle]
25375. (Mar­cia Chate­lain) Fran­chise ― The Gold­en Arch­es in Black America
25376. (T. W. Dud­geon, J. C. Mal­lon & D. C. Evans) The First Report of Champ­sosaurus lindoei
. . . . . from the Cama­pan­ian of the Unit­ed States: Anatom­i­cal, Phy­lo­ge­net­ic, and Paleoecological
. . . . . Sig­nif­i­cance [arti­cle]
25377. (J. C. Vil­lamere) Is Cana­da Real?
25378. (Nan­no Mar­i­natos) Pub­lic Fes­ti­vals in the West Courts of the Palaces [arti­cle]
25379. (Elis­a­bet­ta Gal­lo) Destruc­tions in Ear­ly Bronze Age Lev­ant [arti­cle]
25380. (Ken Alexan­der & Avis Glaze) Towards Free­dom ― The African-Cana­di­an Experience
25381. (Zach Hugh­es) Tiger in the Stars
25382. (Doro­ta Pietrzyk-Reeves) Pat­terns of Polit­i­cal Think­ing and Argu­ments in Poland-Lithuania: 
. . . . . Virtues, Res Pub­li­ca and Edu­ca­tion [arti­cle]
25383. (Jamie O’Neill) At Swim, Two Boy

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