25406. (Kewin Pèche-Quili­chi­ni & Joseph Cesari) L’Habitat for­ti­fié de l’âge du Bronze en 
. . . . . Corse: formes, rythmes, fonc­tions [article]r
25408. (Car­lo M. Cip­po­la) The Basic Laws of Human 
25409. (Jack Dun­ning­ton, Car­ol Ember & Erik Rin­gen) Altered States of Con­scious­ness ― Two-
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25410. (Daniel F. Lieber­man) The Sto­ry of the Human Body ― Evo­lu­tion, Health, and Disease
25411. (Amy Langstaff) A Twen­ty-Year Sur­vey of Cana­di­an Atti­tudes towards Homosexuality 
. . . . . and Human Rights [arti­cle]
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25415. (Steve Benen) Min­istry of Truth: Democ­ra­cy, Real­i­ty, and the Repub­li­cans’ War on the 
. . . . . Recent Past
25416. (Robert P. Jones) The Hid­den Roots of White Suprema­cy and the Path to a Shared 
. . . . . Amer­i­can Future
25417. (Kir­ill V. Istomin) Cul­tured Rein­deer, Domes­ti­cat­ed Land, and {Self}-cultivated Herders: 
. . . . . His­to­ries and Struc­tures of Rein­deer Herd­ing Land­scapes in the Euro­pean Part of 
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25418. (Lawrence Lessig) How To Steal a Pres­i­den­tial Election
25219. (Tim Alber­ta) Amer­i­can Car­nage ― On the Front Lines of the Repub­li­can Civ­il War and 
. . . . . the Rise of Pres­i­dent Trump
25220. (Emi­ly Beau­soleil) Lis­ten­ing to Claims of Struc­tur­al Injus­tice [arti­cle]
25221. (Tim Alber­ta) The King­dom, the Pow­er, and the Glo­ry: Amer­i­can Evan­gel­i­cals in an Age 
. . . . . of Extremism

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