25222. (Dan Davies) Lying for Mon­ey: How Leg­endary Frauds Reveal the Work­ings of the World
25223. (Zek Faux) Num­ber Go Up ― Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Stag­ger­ing Fall
25224. (John Ken­neth Gal­braith) The Great Crash, 1929
25225. (Chuan-Chao Wang, et al) Ancient Human Genome-wide Data from a 3000=year Interval 
. . . . . in the Cau­ca­sus Cor­re­sponds with Eco-geo­graph­ic Regions [arti­cle]
25226. (Andrew Collins) Kara­han Tepe ― Its Three Inter­con­nect­ed, Rock-cut Struc­tures Examined 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25227. (Ben­jamin McKen­zie) Easy Mon­ey ― Cryp­tocur­ren­cy, Casi­no Cap­i­tal­ism, and the Gold­en Age 
. . . . . of Fraud
25228. (François R. Val­la, et al) Le Natoufien Final et les Nou­velles Fouilles a Mal­lah [arti­cle]
25229. (Jen­nifer Rubin) Resis­tance: How Women Saved Democ­ra­cy from Don­ald Trump
25230. (Tim­o­thy Sny­der) On Freedom
25231. (Clif­ford C. Richey) Orono­co Riv­er Lizard Pet­ro­glyph [arti­cle]
25232. (Mark A. S. McMe­namin) The Cam­bri­an Explo­sion: Macroevo­lu­tion and Bio­min­er­al­iza­tion [arti­cle]
25233. (Kristin Kobes Du Mez) Jesus and John Wayne ― How White Evan­gel­i­cals Cor­rupt­ed a 
. . . . . Faith and Frac­tured a Nation
25234. (Masa­ki Eto, et al) The Asso­ci­a­tion of Self-com­pas­sion with Depres­sive Tem­pera­ment and 
. . . . . Read­ing Habit [arti­cle]
25335. (Kara Swish­er) Burn Book ― A Tech Love Story

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