25335. (Grace Blake­ley) Vul­ture Cap­i­tal­ism ― Cor­po­rate Crimes, Back­door Bailouts, and the 
. . . . . Death of Freedom
25336. (Quinn Slo­bo­di­an) Crack-Up Cap­i­tal­ism ― Mar­ket Rad­i­cals and the Dream of a World 
. . . . . With­out Democracy
25337. (Ben­jamin Isakhan & James Bar­ry) Iraqi and Syr­i­an Respons­es to Her­itage Destruction 
. . . . . under the Islam­ic State [arti­cle]
25338. (Wayne E. Lee) The Cut­ting-Off Way ― Indige­nous War­fare in East­ern North America, 
. . . . . 1500–1800
25339. (Andrew Du, et al) Pat­tern and Process in Hominin Brain Size Evo­lu­tion Are Scale-
. . . . . depen­dent [arti­cle]
25340. (Heike Drot­bohm) When “Roof­less” Migrants Make Their Place ― Con­tra­dic­tive Perceptions 
. . . . . of Belong­ing in São Paulo’s Squats [arti­cle]
25341. (Jamie Raskin) Unthink­able ― Trau­ma, Truth, and the Tri­als of Amer­i­can Democracy
25342. (Jacob Sobo­roff) Sep­a­rat­ed ― Inside an Amer­i­can Tragedy
25343. (Atiqul Islam Chowd­hury) Empow­er­ing Bangladesh with the Aid of Artificial 
. . . . . Intel­li­gence & Indus­try [arti­cle]
25344. (Andrea Bar­net) Vision­ary Women ― How Rachel Car­son, Jane Jacobs, Jane Goodall, 
. . . . . and Alice Waters Changed Our World
25345. (Emanuel Beyin, et al) Late Qua­ter­nary Human Occu­pa­tion of the Kil­wa Coast, Tanzania: 
. . . . . OSL Ages and Pale­oen­vi­ron­men­tal Prox­ies from Iso­tope Geochemistry
25346. (Maria Ressa) How To Stand Up To a Dictator

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