25347. (Elwin W. Midgett) An Account­ing Primer
25348. (Jared Yates Sex­ton) Amer­i­can Rule ― How a Nation Con­quered the World
25349. (David Gilmartin) Towards a Glob­al His­to­ry of Vot­ing: Sov­er­eign­ty, the Dif­fu­sion of 
. . . . . Ideas, and the Enchant­ed Indi­vid­ual [arti­cle]
25350. (Rick Mer­cer) Rick Mer­cer Report ― The Paper­back Book
25351. (Fil­ip­po Zim­maro, et al) Emer­gence of Coop­er­a­tion in the One-shot Prisoner’s Dilemma 
. . . . . through Dis­crim­i­na­to­ry and Samar­i­tan AIs [arti­cle]
25352. (Gem­ma Gar­cia Albacete) Young People’s Polit­i­cal Par­tic­i­pa­tion in West­ern Europe ― 
. . . . . Con­ti­nu­ity or Gen­er­a­tional Change? 
25353. (H. W. Brands) The Mon­ey Men ― Cap­i­tal­ism, Democ­ra­cy, and the Hun­dred Year’s War 
. . . . . over the Amer­i­can Dollar
25354. (Jared Yates Sex­ton) The Man They Want­ed Me to Be ― Tox­ic Mas­culin­i­ty and a Crisis 
. . . . . of Our Own Making
25355. (Christo­pher Steele) Unredact­ed ― Rus­sia, Trump, and the Fight for Democracy
25354. (Bri­an Hay­den) Look Up in the Sky… It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Bear! [arti­cle]
25355. (Enri­co Ascalone) Il peso del­la lana di Mesopotamia e la nasci­ta del­la mina dilmunita 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
25356. (Dan­ny Ramadan) Crooked Teeth ― A Queer Syr­i­an Refugee Memoir
25357. (Jor­rit Kelder) Bronze Age Ana­to­lian and Aegean Cult Stat­ues [arti­cle]

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