Churches Should Pay to House the Homeless

It’s esti­mat­ed that church­es in Cana­da own approx­i­mate­ly $26,406,700,000 in land and build­ings that they pay lit­tle or no tax­es on. In 2018 alone, they were exempt­ed from $881,838,422 in munic­i­pal tax­es, and that is a typ­i­cal year­ly fig­ure [source: Cen­tre for Inquiry Cana­da report for 2021]. In order to main­tain their ridicu­lous priv­i­leged sta­tus, every church should be required to pay for the hous­ing and care for an appro­pri­ate num­ber of home­less peo­ple —- and this should be car­ried out by sec­u­lar offi­cials so that they don’t use this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to impose their reli­gion on help­less peo­ple. This is sim­ple jus­tice. Any reli­gious orga­ni­za­tion that oppos­es such a mea­sure would only reveal that their reli­gion is pho­ny, and that their oper­a­tions are a scam. If they do not agree to this, they should be treat­ed as the com­mer­cial enter­pris­es that they real­ly are.

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