It’s estimated that churches in Canada own approximately $26,406,700,000 in land and buildings that they pay little or no taxes on. In 2018 alone, they were exempted from $881,838,422 in municipal taxes, and that is a typical yearly figure [source: Centre for Inquiry Canada report for 2021]. In order to maintain their ridiculous privileged status, every church should be required to pay for the housing and care for an appropriate number of homeless people —- and this should be carried out by secular officials so that they don’t use this as an opportunity to impose their religion on helpless people. This is simple justice. Any religious organization that opposes such a measure would only reveal that their religion is phony, and that their operations are a scam. If they do not agree to this, they should be treated as the commercial enterprises that they really are.
Churches Should Pay to House the Homeless
Posted by Phil Paine
on January 16, 2025
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