(Mac­Far­lane / Ring 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.38 — Fish Out of Water
(Williamson 1901) Stop Thief!
(Williamson 1901) Fire!
(1901) The George­town Loop
(Méliês 1902) A Trip To The Moon
(1903) Sky­scrap­ers Of New York City
(Bruce 1985) The Adven­tures of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.12 ― The Red Head­ed League
(Lot­ter­by 1980) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.6 — The Right To Know 
(Scwarc 2004) Boston Legal: Ep.8 — Loose Lips
(Medak 2004) House: Ep.6 ― The Socrat­ic Method
(Mac­Far­lane / Shin 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.39 — Emis­sion Impossible
(Grint 1985) The Adven­tures of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.13 ― The Final Problem
(Laughton 1953) Night of the Hunter
(Line­han 2007) The IT Crowd: Ep.10 — The Din­ner Party
(Line­han 2007) The IT Crowd: Ep.12 — Men With­out Women
(Spicer 2004) House: Ep.7 ― Fidelity
(Grieve 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.16 ―The Dis­ap­pear­ance of Mr. Davenheim
(Bog­danovich 1972) What’s Up Doc?
(For­man 1968) The Firemen’s Ball [Hoří, má panenko]
(Fer­land 2005) House: Ep.8 ― Poison
(Mac­Far­lane / Poven­mire 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.40 — To Live and Die in Dixie
(Mor­ri­son 2003) Won­drous Oblivion
(Daniels 1967) Star Trek: Ep.22 ― Space Seed
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.185 ― Eat, Pray, Queef
(Sar­w­er-Fon­er 1998) Made In Cana­da [aka The Indus­try]: Ep.1 ― Pawn to King Four
(Sar­w­er-Fon­er 1998) Made In Cana­da [aka The Indus­try]: Ep.2 ― Din­ing Out
(Roach 1997) Austin Pow­ers, Inter­na­tion­al Man of Mystery
(Gay 2007) Skins: Ep.1 ― Tony
(Mur­phy 1993) Mys­tery Sci­ence The­ater 3000: Ep.113 — The Begin­ning of the End [1957]
(Per­sky 1980) Serial
(Pal 1961) Atlantis, the Lost Continent
(San­ford 2004) Boston Legal: Ep.9 — A Greater Good
(Tay­lor 2005) Rome: Episode 12 ― Kalends of February
(Spence 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.17 ― Dou­ble Sin
(Allen 1961) Voy­age to the Bot­tom of the Sea
(Groen­ing / Pur­dum 2001) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.44 ― I Dat­ed a Robot
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.26 ― Garage Sale
(Friend 2000) Ian Rankin’s Rebus: Black and Blue
(Lot­ter­by 1980) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.7 ― Jobs for the Boys
(Fleis­ch­er 1966) Fan­tas­tic Voyage
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.23 ― Chickenpox
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.8 ― The Com­pas­sion­ate Society
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.24 ― Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fat­ty Foods
(Ben­jamin 1986) The Mon­ey Pit
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.21 ― See Dick Con­tin­ue to Run (2)
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.22 ― See Dick Con­tin­ue to Run, Con­tin­ued (3)
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.9 ― Doing the Honours
(Smith 2004) Boston Legal: Ep.10 — Hired Guns
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.25 ― Clubhouses
(Keller 2005) House: Ep.9 ― DNR
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.10 ― The Death List
(Spence 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.18 ― The Adven­ture of the Cheap Flat
(Mac­Far­lane / Michels 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.41 — Screwed the Pooch
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.26 ― Cow Days
(Attias 2005) House: Ep.10 ― Histories
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.11 ― The Greasy Pole
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.27 ― Red’s Last Day
(Groen­ing / Moore 2001) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.45 ― Roswell That Ends Well
(Bak­er 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.14 ― The Emp­ty House
(McCormick 2005) House: Ep.11 ― Detox
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.23 ― Hotel Dick
(Mac­Far­lane / Wood 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.42 — Peter Grif­fin: Hus­band, Father…Brother?
(Gay 2007) Skins: Ep.2 ― Cassie
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.1 ― Yes­ter­day’s Jam
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.185 ― Fishsticks
(Spiel­berg 2008) Indi­ana Jones and the King­dom of the Crys­tal Skull
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.12 ― The Dev­il You Know
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.186 ― Pinewood Derby
(Vestiel 2007) Eden Log
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.13 ― The Qual­i­ty of Life
(Gor­don 2005) House: Ep.12 ― Sports Medicine
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.24 ― Big Angry Vir­gin From Out­er Space
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.2 ― Calami­ty Jen
(Smith 2007) Skins: Ep.3 ― Jal
(Cukor 1940) The Philadel­phia Story
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.3 ― 50:50
(Sar­w­er-Fon­er 1998) Made In Cana­da [aka The Indus­try]: Ep.3 ― A Death in the Family
(Zemeck­is 2000) What Lies Beneath
(1989) Mys­tery Sci­ence The­ater 3000: Ep.26 — The Crawl­ing Hand [1963]
(Wise 1995) Cad­fael: Ep.6 ― The Devil’s Novice
(Levin­son 1998) Sphere
(Sack­heim 2005) House: Ep.13 ― Cursed
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.25 ― Much Ado About Dick
(Mac­Far­lane / Klein 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.43 — Ready, Will­ing, and Disabled
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.27 ― Chef Aid
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.26 ― Dick the Vote
(Gart­land 2002) Wire In the Blood: Jus­tice Paint­ed Blind
(Groen­ing / Hughart 2001) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.46 ― A Tale of Two Santas
(Lid­di-Brown 2005) Boston Legal: Ep.11 — Schmidt Happens
(Smith 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.14 — Gar­den of Death
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.4 ― The Red Door
(Ham­mond 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.15 ― The Abbey Grange
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.28 ― The Vel­vet Rope
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.19 ― Taint­ed Fruit
(Nor­ring­ton 2003) The League of Extra­or­di­nary Gentlemen
(Hellings 2003) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.26 — Paint­ed In Blood
(Phillips 2000) Ian Rankin’s Rebus: The Hang­ing Garden
(Sil­ber­ston 1999) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.6 — Death’s Shadow
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.187 ― Fatbeard
(Sar­w­er-Fon­er 1998) Made In Cana­da [aka The Indus­try]: Ep.4 ― Sec­ond In Command
(Sar­w­er-Fon­er 1998) Made In Cana­da [aka The Indus­try]: Ep.5 ― The Mill Show
(Cameron 1991) Ter­mi­na­tor 2: Judge­ment Day
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.20 ― Mar­ket for Murder
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.29 ― Lau­rie and the Professor
(Grieve 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.19 ― The Kid­napped Prime Minister
(Tuck­er 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.21 ― A Worm in the Bud
(Wurtz 2002) Inside the Actors Stu­dio: John­ny Depp
(Jen­son, Berg­eron & Let­ter­man 2004) Shark Tale
(Mac­Far­lane / Hogan 2001) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.44 — A Very Spe­cial Fam­i­ly Guy Freakin’
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.28 ― Spooky Fish
(Groen­ing / Haa­land 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.47 ― Anthol­o­gy of Inter­est 2
(Car­son 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.16 ― The Mus­grave Ritual
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.22 ― Ring out Your Dead
(Zisk 2005) House: Ep.14 ― Control
(Richards 1998) Grafters: Ep.1
(Williamson 1901) The Big Swallow
(Porter 1903) The Great Train Robbery
(McChutcheon? 1903) From Show Girl To Bur­lesque Queen
(Richards 1998) Grafters: Ep.2
(Paul 1903) A Chess Dispute
(Booth & Paul 1903) An Extra­or­di­nary Cab Accident
(Smith 1903) Sick Kitten
(Smith 1903) Mary Jane’s Mishap
(Mot­ter­shaw 1903) A Dar­ing Day­light Burglary
(Hag­gar 1903) A Des­per­ate Poach­ing Affray
(Atten­bor­ough / Fothergill 2006) Plan­et Earth: Ep.1 — From Pole to Pole
(Min­ear / Whe­don 2002) Fire­fly: Ep.11 ― Seren­i­ty (1)
(Min­ear / Whe­don 2002) Fire­fly: Ep.12 ― Seren­i­ty (2)
(Van Pat­ten 2007) Rome: Episode 13 ― Passover
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.5 ― The Haunt­ing of Bill Crouse
(Dar­d­enne 2002) Le Fils
(Lax­ton 2001) The Inspec­tor Lyn­ley Mys­ter­ies: Ep.1 ― A Great Deliv­er­ance, Part 1
(Whit­more 1981) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.14 ― A Ques­tion of Loyalty
(Maher 2005) Kid­napped [BBC miniseries]
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.27 ― Fourth and Dick
(Mac­Far­lane / Poven­mire 2002) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.45 — Bri­an Wal­lows and Peter’s Swallows
(Spence 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.20 ― The Adven­ture of the West­ern Star
(Strick­land 2005) Agatha Christie’s Marple: Ep.4 ― A Mur­der Is Announced
(Groen­ing / Sheesley 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.48 ― Love and Rocket
(Hunter 2005) House: Ep.15 ― Mob Rules
(Lax­ton 2001) The Inspec­tor Lyn­ley Mys­ter­ies: Ep.2 ― A Great Deliv­er­ance, Part 2
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.23 ― A Taste of Armageddon
(Hirsch­biegel 2007) The Invasion
(Shank­land 2006) Agatha Christie’s Marple: Ep.6 ― The Mov­ing Finger
(Smith 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.23 ― Mur­der on St Mal­ley’s Day
(Bald­win 1974) Chico and the Man: Ep.1 ― The Man Meets Chico
(Dono­hue 1975) Chico and the Man: Ep.28 ― Chico and the Van
(Dono­hue 1977) Chico and the Man: Ep.62 ― Ed Talks to God
(Fos­ter 1975) Chico and the Man: Ep.16 ― If I Were a Rich Man
(Dono­hue 1977) Chico and the Man: Ep.59 ― Chico’s Padre
(Dono­hue 1976) Chico and the Man: Ep.1 ― Chico’s Cousin Pepé
*(Abrams 2009) Star Trek
(Devenish 1990) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.21/22 ― The Mys­te­ri­ous Affair at Styles
(Davies 1991) P. D. James An Adam Dlagliesh Mys­tery: Devices and Desires
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.29 ― Mer­ry Christ­mas Char­lie Manson!
(Hill 1982) 48 Hours
(Groen­ing / Ervin 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.49 ― Lee­la’s Homeworld
(Senen­sky 1967) Star Trek: Ep.24 ― This Side of Paradise
(Whale 1931) Frankenstein
(Whate 1935) Bride of Frankenstein
(Lee 1939) Son of Frankenstein
(Ken­ton 1942) Ghost of Frankenstein
(Ken­ton 1944) House of Frankenstein
(Ger­ber 2005) House: Ep.16 ― Heavy
(Park­er 1998) South Park: Ep.30 ― Gnomes
(Thomas 1996) Great Books: The Odyssey
(Line­han 2006) The IT Crowd: Ep.6 ― Aunt Irma Visits
(Bay 2007) Transformers
(Groen­ing / Shi­na­gawa 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.50 ― Where the Bug­ga­lo Roam
(Spiel­berg 1982) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(Atten­bor­ough / Fothergill 2006) Plan­et Earth: Ep.2 — Mountains
(Spiel­berg 1985) Indi­ana Jones and the Tem­ple of Doom
(David­son 2000) His­to­ry of Britain: Episode 1 ― Begin­nings [with Simon Schama]
(Spiel­berg 1989) Indi­ana Jones and the Last Crusade
(Bruce 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Episode 17 ― The Sec­ond Stain
(Atten­bor­ough / Fothergill 2006) Plan­et Earth: Ep.11 — Ocean Deep
(Allder 2007) Geo­log­ic Jour­ney: Ep.1 — The Great Lakes
(Lawrence 2004) P. D. James: The Mur­der Room
(Farn­ham 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.23 ― How Does Your Gar­den Grow?
(Groen­ing / Ervin 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.51 ― A Pharaoh to Remember
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.25 ― The Dev­il in the Dark
(Smith 2004) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.36 ― Things that Go Bump in the Night
(Edi­son 1903)The Gay Shoe Clerk
(McChutcheon? 1904) Fire In A Bur­lesque Theatre
(McChutcheon? & Mar­i­on 1904) Trou­bles Of A Man­ag­er Of A Bur­lesque Show
(Copes­take 2004) Britain A D: Ep.1 ― The Roman Occupation
(Tuck­er 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.15 — Destroy­ing Angel
(Copes­take 2004) Britain A D: Ep.2 ― The Not So Dark Ages
(Lis­to 2005) Boston Legal: Ep.12 — From Whence We Came
(Copes­take 2004) Britain A D: Ep.3 ― The Inva­sion That Nev­er Was
(Grieve 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.24 ― The Mil­lion Dol­lar Bond Robbery
(Smith 2001) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.19 ― Taint­ed Fruit
(New­land 1967) Star Trek: Ep.26 ― Errand of Mercy
(Stan­ton 2008) WALL‑E
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.22 ― Mar­ket for Murder
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.31 ― Pre­his­toric Ice Man
(Pid­ding­ton 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.25 ― The Ply­mouth Express
(Oswald 1967) Star Trek: Ep.27 ― The Alter­na­tive Factor
(Groen­ing / Deit­ter 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.52 ― Godfellas
(Tuck­er 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.23 ― A Worm in the Bud
(Morse 1951) Unknown World
(Atten­bor­ough / Fothergill 2006) Plan­et Earth: Ep.3 — Fresh Water
(Farn­ham 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.26 ― Wasps’ Nest
(Wilder 1953) Phan­tom from Space
(Kirk­land 1997) The Simp­sons: Ep.182 ― Tree­house of Hor­ror VIII
(Lein­er 2000) Dude, Where’s My Car?
(Scott III 1998) The Simp­sons: Ep.198 ― The Trou­ble With Trillions
(Har­ring­ton 1965) Voy­age to the Pre­his­toric Planet
(Smith 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.21 ― Mur­der on St Mal­ley’s Day
(Palmer 2004) Agatha Christie’s Marple: Ep.2 ― The Mur­der At The Vicarage
(Groen­ing / Sheesley 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.53 ― Future Stock
(Lau 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.18 ― The Man With the Twist­ed Lip
(Renoir 1951) The River
(Ander­son 2007) There Will Be Blood
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.28 ― The City on the Edge of Forever
(Hellings 2002) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.20 ― Ring out Your Dead
(Glenis­ter 1996) Het­ty Wainthrop Inves­ti­gates: Ep.1 ― The Beard­ed Lady
(Paul 1904) Buy Your Own Cherries
(Williamson 1904) An Inter­est­ing Story
(Groen­ing / Scott III 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.54 ― A Leela of Her Own
(O’Fal­lon 2005) House: Ep.17 ― Role Model
(Allder 2007) Geo­log­ic Jour­ney: Ep.2 — The Rockies
(Hawes 2008) Mer­lin: Ep.1 ― The Drag­on’s Call
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.32 ― Rain­for­est Schmainforest
(Groen­ing / Hughart 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.55 ― The 30% Iron Chef
(Rye 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.27 ― The Tragedy at Mars­don Manor
(Allder 2007) Geo­log­ic Jour­ney: Ep.3 — The Cana­di­an Shield
(Groen­ing / Louden 2001) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.43 — Time Keeps on Slipping
(Pid­ding­ton 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.28 ― The Dou­ble Clue
(Mad­den 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.19 ― The Pri­o­ry School
(Smith 2007) Skins: Ep.4 ― Chris
(Allder 2007) Geo­log­ic Jour­ney: Ep.4 — The Appalachians
(Allder 2007) Geo­log­ic Jour­ney: Ep.5 — The Atlantic Coast
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.30 ― Halloween
(John­son 2005) House: Ep.18 ― Babies & Bathwater
(Lis­to 2005) Boston Legal: Ep.13 — It Girls and Beyond
(Hart­ford 2000) His­to­ry of Britain: Ep.2 ― Con­quest! [with Simon Schama]
(Grieve 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.29 ― The Mys­tery of the Span­ish Chest
(Mac­Far­lane / Poven­mire 2002) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.45 — Bri­an Wal­lows and Peter’s Swallows
(Siber­ling 2009) Land of the Lost
(Hol­land 2000) Mal­colm in the Mid­dle: Ep.10 ― Stock Car Races
(Car­son 1986) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.20 ― The Six Napoleons
(Groen­ing / Shi­na­gawa 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.56 ― Where No Fan Has Gone Before
(Glenis­ter 1996) Het­ty Wainthrop Inves­ti­gates: Ep.2 ― Eye Witness
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.33 ― Spon­ta­neous Combustion
(Sarafi­an 2005) House: Ep.19 ― Kids
(Grieve 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.30 ― The Theft of the Roy­al Ruby
(Ham­mond 1987) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.21 ― The Sign of Four
(Smith 2005) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.38 ― Orchis Fatalis
(Whit­more 1982) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.15 ― Equal Opportunities
(Hawes 2008) Mer­lin: Ep.2 ― Valiant
(Han­nam 1988) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.22 ― The Devil’s Foot
(Whit­more 1982) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.16 ― The Challenge
(Rye 2004) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.37 ― Dead in the Water
(Allen 1996) Every­one Says I Love You
(Mills 1988) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.23 ― Sil­ver Blaze
(Groen­ing / Avanzi­no 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.57 ― Crimes of the Hot
(Daugh­er­ty 1967) Star Trek: Ep.29 ― Oper­a­tion – Annihilate!
(Levy 2006) Night at the Museum
(Line­han 2007) The IT Crowd: Ep.7 ― The Work Outing
(Spicer 2005) House: Ep.20 ― Love Hurts
(Rye 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.31 ― The Affair at the Vic­to­ry Ball
(Hawes 2008) Mer­lin: Ep.3 ― The Mark of Nimueh
(Berlinger 1996) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.28 ― World’s Great­est Dick
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.31 ― Vanstock
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.32 ― I Love Cake
(Spiro 2007) Skins: Ep.5 ― Sid
(Bar­clay 2005) House: Ep.21 ― Three Stories
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.33 ― Sleepover
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.34 ― Eric Gets Suspended
(Whit­more 1982) Yes, Min­is­ter: Ep.17 ― The Skele­ton in the Closet
(Rye 1991) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.32 ― The Mys­tery of Hunter’s Lodge
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.30 ― Amok Time
(Hamond 1988) The Return of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.24 ― Wis­te­ria Lodge
(Keller 2005) House: Ep.22 ― Honeymoon
(Mac­Far­lane / Ring 2002) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.46 — From Method to Madness
(Tron­son 1996) Het­ty Wainthrop Inves­ti­gates: Ep.3 ― Fingers

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