Pluxus: Solid State

This Swedish elec­tron­ic group is yet anoth­er exam­ple of musi­cians delight­ing in “retro” elec­tron­ic sounds gen­er­at­ed by old equip­ment. The beeps, blips, and spacey sounds that embar­rassed the pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tion of elec­tron­i­cists now seem cool again, espe­cial­ly if they can be mixed with con­tem­po­rary sam­ples. Get­ting it to work — to make music that appeals to the ear, can be tricky. I would say that this album, released in 2006 and re-released in 2008, does so about half the time, notably with the skit­ter beat 2 (“Perm”), the strange­ly folky 3(“Bootstrap’) and 4 (“Kino­ton”) with the only vocals, which make a nice sequence, but less so with the remain­ing tracks.

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