(Vogel 1959) Space Invasion of Lapland [Rymdinvasion i Lappland] [aka Terror in the Midnight Sun, Horror in the Midnight Sun, or Invasion of the Animal People]

09-08-21 VIEW Space Invasion of LaplandThis 1959 low bud­get sci­ence fic­tion film fea­tures aliens (accom­pa­nied by a mon­ster that appears to be made of shag car­pet­ing) attack­ing a Sami vil­lage in Swedish Lap­land! The film drags bor­ing­ly for the first two thirds of it’s length, fill­ing time with a lame romance, and lots of scenes of ice skat­ing and ski­ing. But when the aliens and mon­ster final­ly appear, there’s lots of fun to be had. The shag car­pet mon­ster knocks over tents, and fright­ens the rein­deer, and does the least amount of dam­age por­trayed in any cin­e­mat­ic alien inva­sion. Some of the cam­era shots are sur­pris­ing­ly good, as if Svend Nykvist took a day off from Bergman to work for Roger Cor­man. If you’ve nev­er heard the agglu­ti­na­tive Sami lan­guage spo­ken, you can do so in the one scene where an old man answers ques­tions in it.

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