18049. (Matthew Jarpe) Radio Freefall
18050. (Phil Gor­don) Phil Gor­don’s Lit­tle Green Book
18051. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Impe­r­i­al Deca­dence ― The Fish­er King 
. . . . . Bleeds [arti­cle]
18052. (Ray­mond DeMallie) Male and Female in Tra­di­tion­al Lako­ta Cul­ture [arti­cle]
18053. (Janet Spec­tor) Male/Female Task Dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion Among the Hidat­sa: Toward the Devel­op­ment of 
. . . . . an Archae­o­log­i­cal Approach to the Study of Gen­der [arti­cle]
18054. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] An Episode in Uni­ver­sal His­to­ry: The Face 
. . . . . of War [arti­cle]
18055. (Kather­ine M. Weist) Beasts of Bur­den and Menial Slaves: Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry Obser­va­tions of 
. . . . . North­ern Plains Indi­an Women [arti­cle]
18056. (Alice B. Kehoe) The Shack­les of Tra­di­tion [arti­cle]
18057. (Clark Wissler) Indi­an Cavalcade
18058. (Beat­rice Med­i­cine) “War­rior Women” ― Sex Role Alter­na­tives for Plains Indi­an Women [arti­cle]
18059. (David E. Fas­tovsky & David B. Weisham­pel) The Evo­lu­tion and Extinc­tion of the Dinosaurs
18060. [2] (Ster­ling North) Rascal
18061. (Alexan­der Hen­ry) The Jour­nal of Alexan­der Hen­ry the Younger, 1799–1814
18062. (Lise Gaboury-Dial­lo) Batoche selon Gabriel Dumont: une étude de l’his­toric­ité de ses mémoires
. . . . . [arti­cle]
18063. (Peter Farb & George Arme­la­gos) Con­sum­ing Pas­sions ― The Anthro­pol­o­gy of Eating
18064. (Lawrence J. Bark­well, Anne Car­rière Acco, & Aman­da Rozyk) The Ori­gins of Métis Cus­tom­ary Law
. . . . . With a Dis­cus­sion of Métis Legal Tra­di­tions [arti­cle]
18065. (David M. Unwin) Pterosaurs From Deep Time
18066. (Auguste-Hen­ri de Tré­mau­dan) The Hud­son Bay Road 1498–1915
18067. (Nel­ly Lau­dic­i­na) The Rules of Red Riv­er: The Coun­cil of Assini­boia and its Impact on the Colony, . . . . . 1820–1869 [arti­cle]
18068. (Fred­er­ick Tem­ple Black­wood, Mar­quis of Duf­ferin and Ava) Duf­ferin-Carnar­von Cor­re­spon­dence, . . . . . 1874–1878
18069. (Michael Chabon) The Yid­dish Police­men’s Union
18070. (John McLean) Notes of a Twen­ty-five Year’s Ser­vice in the Hud­son’s Bay Territories
18071. (Ray­mond Huel) Pro­claim­ing the Gospel to the Indi­ans and the Métis
18072. (C. E. S. Franks) In Search of the Sav­age Sauvage: An Explo­ration into North Amer­i­ca’s Political 
. . . . . Cul­tures [arti­cle]
18073. (E. E. Rich –ed.) Hud­son’s Bay Com­pa­ny: Copy-book of Let­ters Out­ward &c: Begins 29th May,
. . . . . 1680 Ends 5 July, 1687
18074. (Gabriel Franchére) The Jour­nal of Gabriel Franchére
18075. (James Isham) James Isham’s Obser­va­tions on Hud­sons Bay, 1743, and Notes and Observations 
. . . . . on a Book enti­tled A Voy­age to Hud­sons Bay in the Dobbs Gal­ley, 1749.
18076. (Far­ley Mowat) Cop­per­mine Jour­ney: An Account of Great Adven­ture Select­ed from the Jour­nals of 
. . . . . Samuel Hearne
18077. (Wal­lace W. Stew­art –ed.) Doc­u­ments relat­ing to the North West Company
18078. (Fine Day [Kamiok­isihk­wew] ) Inci­dents of the Rebel­lion, as Relat­ed by Fine Day
18079. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Review of Out of the East: Spices and the
. . . . . Medieval Imag­i­na­tion by Paul Freed­man [review]
18080. (J. Rod Vick­ers) Med­i­cine Wheels: A Mys­tery in Stone [arti­cle]
18081. (George F. G. Stan­ley) The Half-Breed “Ris­ing” [arti­cle]
18082. (Stephen Chri­so­ma­lis) [in blog Glos­so­graphia] No Sci­ence Like Snow’s Sci­ence [arti­cle]
18083. (Sarah Searight) Yemen, Land and Peo­ple [pho­tographs by Jane Taylor]
18084. (Miran­da Mor­ris) The Soqo­tra Arch­i­pel­ago [arti­cle]
18085. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberg­er’s Ear­ly His­to­ry] Geof­froi de Charny, VIP [arti­cle]
18086. (John Ral­ston Saul) A Fair Coun­try ― Telling Truths About Canada
18087. (M. C. Beat­on) Death of a Witch [A Hamish Mac­beth Mystery]
18088. (Jonathan Jar­rett) [in blog A Cor­ner of Tenth-Cen­tu­ry Europe] I Should Have Read This the
. . . . . Minute I Bought It, Part 1 [review of The Long Morn­ing of Medieval Europe by Jen­nifer R.
. . . . . Davis & Michael McCormick]
18089. (W. Ken Barg­er) Inu­it and Cree Adap­ta­tion to North­ern Colo­nial­ism [arti­cle]
18090. (Man­soor Akbar Kun­di) Balochis­tan: Hope & Despair
18091. (Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, & L. Hunter Lovins) Nat­ur­al Cap­i­tal­ism: Cre­at­ing the Next 
. . . . . Indus­tri­al Revolution
18092. (James Bar­rie) The Lit­tle White Bird

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