18049. (Matthew Jarpe) Radio Freefall

An enter­tain­ing first nov­el that pulled me in after a few pages and made me want to know the out­come. The rock musi­cian char­ac­ters make a nice change from the usu­al cyber-punk heroes, and the music lore feels cred­i­ble. There are some minor char­ac­ters too obvi­ous­ly para­chut­ed in for the sole pur­pose of giv­ing back­ground expla­na­tion. Unob­tru­sive­ly reveal­ing the back­ground has always been a dif­fi­cult writ­ing prob­lem in SF. The set­ting is in the near future, with a tech­nol­o­gy and social his­to­ry that seems unlike­ly in so short a time-span, but that’s a quib­ble. It’s a good, sol­id SF read, and I’ll seek out the author’s next work.

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