(Örnek 2003) The Hittites
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.39 ― Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
(Young 1990) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.1 ― In Court After the Boat Race
(Young 1990) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.2 ― Bertie is in Love
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.34 ― The Apple
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.14 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 1: An Apple for the
. . . Teacher
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.15 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 2: The Chang­ing Picture
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.16 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 3: The Tro­jan Horse
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.17 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 4: Cuck­oo in the Nest
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.18 ― The Blue and the Green, Part 5: The Swarm­ing Season
(Young 1990) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.3 ― The Vil­lage Sports Day at Twing
(Tay­lor 1994) Time Team: Ep.1 ― Athel­ney, Som­er­set — The Guer­ril­la Base of the King
(Hitch­cock 1960) Psycho
(Holt­house 2006) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.50 ― Last Year’s Model
(Tay­lor 1994) Time Team: Ep.2 ― Ribch­ester, Lan­cashire — On the Edge of an Empire
(Smith 2000) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.16 — The Elec­tric Vendetta
(Tay­lor 1994) Time Team: Ep.3 ― Much Wen­lock, Shrop­shire — The New Town of a Nor­man Prince
(Weeks) From the Heart: Three Mar­itime Folk Musi­cians ― Scot­tish, Aca­di­an, & Mi’kmak
(Sul­li­van 1993) Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.34 ― The Last Vampyre [= “The Adven­ture of the Sussex
. . . Vampire”]
(Rye 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.63 ― Left for Dead
(Berlinger 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.37 ― Same Old Song and Dick
(2007) Veenam­rutham: Excerpts from a pri­vate per­for­mance by the late Mae­stro R. K. Suruanarayana
(Dohler 1985) The Galaxy Invader
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.19 ― A Rift in Time, Part 1: Vase of Mystery
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.20 ― A Rift in Time, Part 2: Turn of the Thumb
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.21 ― A Rift in Time, Part 3: From Lit­tle Acorns
(Blake 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.22 ― A Rift in Time, Part 4: Rise of the Roman Empire
(Jack­son 2002) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Tow­ers [extend­ed version]
(Tay­lor 1994) Time Team: Ep.4 ― Llan­gorse Lake, Powys — The Fortress in the Lake
(Mamet 1999) The Winslow Boy
(Young 1990) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.4 ― How Does Gussie Woo Madeline?
(Young 1990) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.5 ― Will Ana­tole Return to Brink­ley Court?
(2005) Zoey 101: ep.4 ― Defend­ing Dustin
(2005) Zoey 101: ep.5 ― Prank Week
(Jew­i­son 1971) Fid­dler on the Roof
(Thomas 1998) Dr. Dolittle
(Smith 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.62 ― Mid­somer Life
(2001) Jour­neys to the Ends of the Earth: Ep.3 ― Pak­istan — The Road to Shangri-La
(Bleck­n­er 2005) Boston Legal: Ep.15 — Tor­tured Souls
(Tay­lor 1995) Time Team: Ep.5 ― Fin­lag­gan, Islay, Scot­land — Lords of the Isles
(Groen­ing / Pur­dum 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.60 ― A Taste of Freedom
(Ger­ber 2005) House: Ep.28 ― Spin
(Lyon 1977) The Astral Factor
(Siod­mak 1951) Bride of the Gorilla
(Tuck­er 1953) Robot Monster
(Wise 1951) The Day the Earth Stood Still
(War­ren 1966) The Wild World of Bat­woman [Mys­tery Sci­ence The­atre version]
(Sil­ber­ston 2002) Foyle’s War: Ep.1 — The Ger­man Woman
(War­ren 1957) The Incred­i­ble Pet­ri­fied World
(Devenish 1992) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.37/38 ― One, Two, Buck­le My Shoe
(Berlinger 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.38 ― I Brake for Dick
(Reid 1987) Inspec­tor Morse: Ep.1 ― The Dead of Jericho
(Dou­glas 2007) The Tudors: Ep.2 — Sim­ply Henry
(Mar­shall 1995) Time Team: Ep.6 ― Win­ter­bourne Gun­ner, Wilt­shire — The Sax­on Graves
(Cendrows­ki 2007) Big Bang The­o­ry: Ep.3 ― The Fuzzy Boots Corollary
(Crighton 1951) The Laven­der Hill Mob
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.40 ― Jewbilee
(Atten­bor­ough / Fothergill 2006) Plan­et Earth: Ep.4 — Caves
(Cor­man 1959) The Wasp Woman
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.36 ― Catspaw
(Mar­shall 1995) Time Team: Ep.7 ― Tock­en­ham, Wilt­shire — The Lost Villa
(Rye 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.63 ― Left for Dead
(Sil­ber­ston 2002) Foyle’s War: Ep.2 ― The White Feather
(Cendrows­ki 2009) Big Bang The­o­ry: Ep.44 ― The Pirate Solution
(Cendrows­ki 2009) Big Bang The­o­ry: Ep.45 ― The Creepy Can­dy Coat­ing Corollary
(Eber­hardt 1988) With­out a Clue
(Groen­ing / Archer 2003) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.61 ― Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch
*(Alvart 2009) Pandorum
(Avery 1942) Blitz Wolf [car­toon]
(Böttger 1960) Hor­rors of Spi­der Island [U.S. ver­sion of Ein Tot­er hing im Netz]
(Mar­shall 1995) Time Team: Ep.8 ― Lam­beth Palace, Lon­don — The Arch­bish­op’s Back Garden
(Holt­house 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.64 ― The Magi­cian’s Nephew
(Daniels 1967) Star Trek: Ep.37 ― I, Mudd
(Feld 1992) Leg­ends of Comedy
(Groen­ing / Deit­ter 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.62 ― Less Than Hero
*(Shar­man 1975) The Rocky Hor­ror Pic­ture Show [with performance]
(Ham­mond 1993) Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.35 ― The Eli­gi­ble Bach­e­lor [= “The Adven­ture of the
. . . Noble Bachelor”]
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.42 ― Chinpokomon
(Dixon 1995) Time Team: Ep.9 ― Hyl­ton Cas­tle, Sun­der­land — Medieval Din­ing Hall
(Buchanan 1966) Zon­tar: The Thing From Venus
(Rye 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.65 ― Days of Misrule
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.193 ― The F Word
(Park­er 2009) South Park: Ep.192 ― Whale Whores
(Ger­vais & Robin­son 2009) The Inven­tion of Lying
(Hard­away & Dal­ton 1938) Porky’s Hare Hunt [car­toon: first appear­ance of Bug Bunny]
(Senen­sky 1967) Star Trek: Ep.38 ― Metamorphosis
(Hawes 2008) Mer­lin: Ep.6 ― A Rem­e­dy To Cure All Ills
(Muzio 2005) House: Ep.29 ― Hunting
(Hitch­cock 1925) The Plea­sure Garden
(Tay­lor 1996) Time Team: Ep.10 ― Boleigh & Treve­neague, Corn­wall — Pre­his­toric Fougou
(Hol­land 2000) Mal­colm in the Mid­dle: Ep.8 ― Krel­boyne Picnic
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.23 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 1: Dressed to Kill
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.24 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 2: The Burn­ing Sword
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.25 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 3: Run Rab­bit Run
(Price 1974) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.26 ― The Dooms­day Men, Part 4: The Shuttlecock
(Ham­mond 1994) The Mem­oirs of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.36 ― The Three Gables
(Berlinger 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.39 ― Dick Behav­ing Badly
(Flem­ing 1993) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.39 ― The Adven­ture of the Egypt­ian Tomb
(Tal­ley 2001) Jour­neys to the Ends of the Earth: Ep.4 ― Kam­chat­ka — The For­bid­den Zone
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.43 ― Hooked on Mon­key Fonics
(Neu­mann 1950) Rock­et Ship X‑M
(Peters 1996) Time Team: Ep.11 ― Stan­ton Har­court, Oxford­shire — Hunt­ing for Mammoth
(Thack­er 2002) Foyle’s War: Ep.3 ― A Les­son In Murder
(Hellings 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.66 ― Talk­ing to the Dead
(Peters 1996) Time Team: Ep.12 ― Tem­ple­combe, Som­er­set — Vil­lage of the Templars
(Jones 1939) Mer­ry Melodies: Prest‑O Change‑O [Bugs Bun­ny #2]
(Asquith 1951) The Brown­ing Version
(Heck­er­ling 1982) Fast Times at Ridge­mont High
(Jones 1957) Mer­rie Melodies: What’s Opera, Doc? [Bugs Bun­ny #142]
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.27 ― The Secret Weapon, Part 1: Found and Lost
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.28 ― The Secret Weapon, Part 2: Not Quite a Sleeping 

. . . Beauty
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.29 ― The Secret Weapon, Part 3: Whose Side Are 

. . . You On, Professor?
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.30 ― The Secret Weapon, Part 4: A Present from Russia
(Kon­chalovsky 1997) The Odyssey: Part 1
(Kirk­land & Hugh­es 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.31 ― Worlds Away, Part 1: Secret of the Pyramid
(Kirk­land & Hugh­es 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.32 ― Worlds Away, Part 2: Hound of the Night
(Kirk­land & Hugh­es 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.33 ― Worlds Away, Part 3: More for the 

. . . Burning
(Shill 2007) The Tudors: Ep.3 — Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!
(Kon­chalovsky 1997) The Odyssey: Part 2
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.34 ― A Man for Emi­ly, Part 1: The Fastest Gun
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.35 ― A Man for Emi­ly, Part 2: Here We Go Round the

. . . Doozlum
(Wood­ward 1975) The Tomor­row Peo­ple: Ep.36 ― A Man for Emi­ly, Part 3: Shot­gun Wedding
(Tay­lor 1996) Time Team: Ep.13 ― Teign­mouth, Devon — A Wreck of the Span­ish Armada
(Emmerich 2009) 2012
(Fleis­ch­er 2009) Zombieland
(Bow­man 2009) Cas­tle: Ep.1 ― Flow­ers for Your Grave
(Mago­ry 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.1 ― A Bad Dream Gets Real
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.2 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.1
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.3 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.2
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.4 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.3
(Oliv­er 1992) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.5 ― The Tomor­row Peo­ple, P.4
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.6 ― The Culex Exper­i­ment, P.1
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.7 ― The Culex Exper­i­ment, P.2
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.8 ― The Culex Exper­i­ment, P.3
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.9 ― The Culex Exper­i­ment, P.4
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.10 ―The Culex Experiment,P.5
(Tay­lor 1996) Time Team: Ep.14 ― Emain Macha, Coun­ty Armagh — Palace of the Irish Kings
(Lang­ton 1991) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.6 ― The Sil­ver Jug
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.39 ― Jour­ney to Babel
(Bruce 1992) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.40 ― The Underdog
(Spot­tis­woode 2000) The 6th Day
(Cas­tle 1960) 13 Ghosts
(Dixon 1996) Time Team: Ep.15 ― Laven­ham, Suf­folk — Trea­sures of the Roman Field
(Yates 2009) Har­ry Pot­ter and the Half-Blood Prince
(Tay­lor 1997) Time Team: Ep.16 ― St Mary’s City, Mary­land, Unit­ed States
(Holt­house 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.67 ― The Dog­leg Murders
(Cas­tle 1959) The Tingler
(Semel 2005) House: Ep.30 ― The Mistake
(McCarey 1933) Duck Soup [Marx Brothers]
(Talalay 1993) Ghost in the Machine
(Price 2005) Time Team: Ep.141 ― Spe­cial #21: Dur­ring­ton Walls, Wilt­shire: Jour­ney To

. . . Stonehenge
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.11 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 1
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.12 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 2
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.13 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 3
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.14 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 4
(Hor­rox 1994) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.15 ― Mon­soon Man, Part 5
(Tay­lor 1997) Time Team: Ep.17 ― Launce­s­ton, Cornwall
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.16 ― The Rame­ses Con­nec­tion, P.1
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.17 ― The Rame­ses Con­nec­tion, P.2
(McDow­ell 2007) Time Team: Ep.172 ― Spe­cial #26: Britain’s Drowned World
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.18 ― The Rameses 

. . . Con­nec­tion, P.3
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.19 ― The Rame­ses Con­nec­tion, P.4
(Cart­land 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.20 ― The Rame­ses Con­nec­tion, P.5
(Smith 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.68 ― The Black Book
(Tay­lor 1997) Time Team: Ep.18 ― Soho, Birmingham
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.40 ― Fri­day’s Child
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.21 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 1
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.22 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 2
(1993) Con­spir­a­cy of Silence [sup­pressed York­shire Tele­vi­sion / Dis­cov­ery Chan­nel documentary — 

. . . rough edit copy]
(Rye 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.69 ― Secrets & Spies
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 3
(Peters 1997) Time Team: Ep.19 ― Gov­an, Glasgow
(Cur­tiz 1950) Young Man With a Horn
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 4
(Hor­rox 1995) The Tomor­row Peo­ple, The New Gen­er­a­tion: Ep.23 ― The Liv­ing Stones, Part 5
(Sil­ber­ston 2002) Foyle’s War: Ep.4 ― Eagle Day
(Raikes 1997) Time Team: Ep.20 ― Mal­ton, North Yorkshire
(Lot­ter­by 1986) Yes, Prime Min­is­ter: Ep.1 ― Grand Design
(Lang­ton 1991) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.7 ― The Bas­setts’ Fan­cy Dress Ball
(Vadim 1968) Barbarella
(Peters 1997) Time Team: Ep.21 ― Nether­avon, Wiltshire
(Bye 1988) Red Dwarf: Ep.1 ― The End
(Berlinger 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.40 ― Dickmalion
(Lang­ton 1991) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.8 ― The Con
(Raikes 1998) Time Team: Ep.23 ― Rich­mond, Surrey
(Nevel­dine & Tay­lor 2009) Gamer
(Dixon 1998) Time Team: Ep.24 ― Grey­lake, Somerset
(Dixon 1998) Time Team: Ep.25 ― San­day, Orkney Islands
(Shill 2007) The Tudors: Ep.4 — His Majesty, The King
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.41 ― The Dead­ly Years
(Friend 2000) Rebus: Ep.1 ― Black and Blue
(Raikes1998) Time Team: Ep.26 ― Turkdean, Gloucestershire
(Tron­son 1996) Het­ty Wainthrop Inves­ti­gates: Ep.4 ― Widdershins
(Mac­Far­lane / Michels 2005) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.52 — Fast Times at Bud­dy Cian­ci Jr. High
(Raikes 1998) Time Team: Ep.27 ― Deya, Mal­lor­ca, Spain
(Smith 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.71 ― Small Mercies
(Hellings 1994) The Mem­oirs of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.37 ― The Dying Detective
(Mac­Far­lane / Klein 2005) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.53 — Blind Ambition
(Park­er 1999) South Park: Ep.44 ― Starvin’ Mar­vin in Space!
(Train­er 2000) That 70’s Show: Ep.40 ― Burn­ing Down the House
(Holt­house 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.70 ― The Glitch
(Senen­sky 1967) Star Trek: Ep.42 ― Obsession
(Fos­ter 2003) Foyle’s War: Ep.5 ― Fifty Ships
(Clax­ton 1972) Night of the Lepus
(Dixon & Raikes 1997) Time Team: Ep.22 ― Spe­cial #1: Much Wen­lock Christ­mas Special
(Ren­ton 2009) Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple: Ep.15 ― Why Did­n’t They Ask Evans?
(Bar­ber-Flem­ing 1992) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.41 ― Yel­low Iris
(Cross1998) Time Team: Ep.28 ― Aston Eyre, Shropshire
(Lang­ton 1991) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.9 ― Chuffy [Jeeves in the Country]
(John­ston 1999) Time Team: Ep.45 ― Spe­cial #3: Holme-next-the-Sea, Nor­folk — The Mys­tery of 

. . . Seahenge
(Rye 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.72 ― The Creeper
(Dixon 1998) Time Team: Ep.30 ― Down­patrick, Coun­ty Down, North­ern Ireland
(Michael Hirst) The Tudors: Ep.5
(Holt­house 2009) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.73 ― The Great and the Good
*(Cameron 2009) Avatar
(Zin­berg 2004) Lost: Ep.6 ― House of the Ris­ing Sun
(Toni 2001) Jour­neys to the Ends of the Earth: Ep.5 ― Peru: The Lost City of Gold
(Hitch­cock 1927) Downhill
(McKissock 2005) Islands of Scot­land: Ep.1 ― Isle of Skye and the Small Isles
(Sarafi­an 2005) House: Ep.31 ― Deception
(Petersen 2000) The Per­fect Storm
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.43 ― Wolf in the Fold
(Hugh­es 1998) Time Team: Ep.31 ― High Wor­sall, North Yorkshire
(Train­er 2000) That 70’s Show: Ep.41 ― The First Time
(Train­er 2000) That 70’s Show: Ep.42 ― Afterglow
(Jeffs 2009) The Sto­ry of India: Ep.1 ― Beginnings
(Dixon 1999) Time Team: Ep.33 ― Burslem, Stafford­shire — Wedg­wood’s First Factory
(McKissock 2005) Islands of Scot­land: Ep.2 ― The Orkney Isles
(Sil­ber­ston 2003) Foyle’s War: Ep.6 ― Among The Few
(Dixon 1999) Time Team: Ep.34 ― Pap­cas­tle, Cumbria
(Ben­der 2004) Lost: Ep.7 ― The Moth
(Hitch­cock 1927) The Lodger
(Raikes 1999) Time Team: Ep.35 ― Thet­ford, Norfolk
(Hugh­es 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.41 ― Sen­si­tive Dick
(Alexan­der 2006) House: Ep.32 ― Fail­ure to Communicate
(Hitch­cock 1927) The Ring
(Raikes 1999) Time Team: Ep.36 ― Ched­dar Gorge, Som­er­set — Coop­ers Hole
(De La Bouil­lerie 2005) Boston Legal: Ep.16 — Let Sales Ring
(Hol­land 2000) Mal­colm in the Mid­dle: Ep.9 ― Lois vs. Evil
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.1 ― The Foretelling
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.2 ― Born to Be King
(Pevney 1967) Star Trek: Ep.44 ― The Trou­ble With Tribbles
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.3 ― The Archbishop
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.4 ― The Queen of Spain’s Beard
(Groen­ing / Haa­land 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.63 ― Teenage Mutant Lee­la’s Hurdles
(Hugh­es 1999) Time Team: Ep.37 ― Plymp­ton, Devon
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.5 ― Witchsmeller Pursuivant
(McKissock 2005) Islands of Scot­land: Ep.3 ― Isla, Jura, Colon­say and Gigha
(Nel­son 1968) Star Trek: Ep.45 ― The Gamesters of Triskelion
(Shard­low 1983) Black­ad­der [The Black Adder]: Ep.6 ― The Black Seal
(Groen­ing / Archer 2002) Futu­ra­ma: Ep.64 ― The Why of Fry
(Bruce 1992) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.42 ― The Case of the Miss­ing Will
(Bye 1988) Red Dwarf: Ep.2 ― Future Echoes
(Van Dyke 1932) Tarzan the Ape Man
(West 1999) Time Team: Ep.38 ― Small­hythe, Kent
(Mar­tin­son 1966) Bat­man, the Movie
(Pitof 2004) Catwoman
(Dixon 1999) Time Team: Ep.39 ― Beau­port Park, East Sussex
(Komack 1968) Star Trek: Ep.46 ― A Piece of the Action
(Bye 1988) Red Dwarf: Ep.3 ― Bal­ance of Power
(King 1952) The Snows of Kilimanjaro
(Raikes 1999) Time Team: Ep.40 ― Bombers in Reed­ham Marsh­es, Norfolk
(Kubrick 1960) Spartacus
(Raikes 1999) Time Team: Ep.41 ― Turkdean, Glouces­ter­shire Revisited
(Jack­son 2002) The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King [extend­ed version]

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