(Fritz Leiber) Swords and Deviltry

07-06-02 READ (Fritz Leiber) Swords and DeviltryGod only knows how much “sword & sor­cery” type fan­tasy is in print. But if, like me, you find very lit­tle of it appeal­ing to either your imag­i­na­tion or your intel­li­gence, then it’s nice to be remind­ed that some of the clas­sics of the field remain fresh and sat­is­fy­ing. Few peo­ple can claim to have writ­ten bet­ter hero­ic fan­tasy than Fritz Leiber, whose Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser sto­ries where writ­ten with wit and sophis­ti­ca­tion. He wrote with an adult sen­si­bil­ity, avoid­ing the prissi­ness and infan­tile repres­sion that were com­mon in the field. These sto­ries, which were writ­ten over sev­eral decades, were col­lected in sev­eral vol­umes, of which this is the first. The last sto­ry, “Ill Met In Lankhmar”, is just about as good as a sto­ry about a mus­cu­lar bar­bar­ian hero can get.


15064. (Fritz Leiber) Intro­duc­tion [pref­ace]
15065. (Fritz Leiber) Induc­tion [sto­ry]
15066. (Fritz Leiber) The Snow Women [sto­ry]
15067. (Fritz Leiber) The Unholy Grail [sto­ry]
15068. [2] (Fritz Leiber) Ill Met In Lankhmar [sto­ry]

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