(Wilcox 1956) Forbidden Planet

07-04-28 VIEW (Wilcox 1956) Forbidden PlanetHow many times have I seen For­bid­den Plan­et? I’m not sure, but it is one of my ear­li­est child­hood mem­o­ries. Despite much that is quaint and embar­rass­ing, it still holds up as one the few films with the essen­tial “sense-of-won­der” com­po­nent cen­tral to lit­er­ary Sci­ence Fic­tion, but almost always absent from SF on film.

Some triv­ia about the won­der­ful, pio­neer­ing elec­tron­ic score by hus­band and wife team Louis and Bebe Bar­ron: The film’s pro­duc­ers orig­i­nal­ly want­ed Har­ry Partch to score the film. The Bar­rons were only sup­posed to make a few effects. But the first sam­ple they pro­duced con­vinced the pro­duc­ers to go with them for the entire film. Dur­ing the film’s pre­view, when the first elec­tron­ic “tonal­i­ties” came on, the audi­ence broke out in spon­ta­neous applause. Many peo­ple at the time found the quite ter­ri­fy­ing. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the musi­cians union would not rec­og­nize what they were doing as “music”, and the Bar­rons nev­er did anoth­er film score.

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