(Gilli­gan 2008) Break­ing Bad: Ep.1 ― Pilot
(Twohy 2000) Pitch Black
(Mack­endrick 1951) The Man in the White Suit
(Farn­ham 2000) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.52 ― Lord Edg­ware Dies
(Smith 2007) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.54 ― King’s Crystal
(Beau­mont 1929) The Broad­way Melody
(Sher 1960) The 3 Worlds of Gulliver
(Gaup 1990) Ship­wrecked [Haakon Haakonsen] 
(Rye 2007) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.55 ― The Axe­man Cometh
(Dorf­mann 2004) Druids [aka Vercingétorix]
(Suther­land 1933) Inter­na­tion­al House
(Cas­sel 2007) The Dark Ages [doc­u­men­tary]
(Ben­delack 1999) Dark Ages: Ep.1 ― Vile Vole Pie
(Gard­ner 2005) The Plague [doc­u­men­tary]
(Hellings 2007) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.56 ― Death and Dust
(Hyt­neer 2006) The His­to­ry Boys
(Stur­ridge 2000) Longitude
(Key 2004) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.35 — Ghosts of Christ­mas Past
(Fair­fax 1993) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.19 ― Lady Flo­rence Craye Arrives in New York
(Van Sant 2008) Milk
(Slá­ma 2008) Coun­try Teacher [Venkovský ucitel]
(Ander­son 2001) The Roy­al Tenenbaums
(Ander­son 1998) Rushmore
(Judge 2006) Idiocracy
(Hoff­man 2000) Red Planet
(Alexan­der 1968) Star Trek: Ep.65 ― Pla­to’s Stepchildren
(Dou­glas 2005) Time Team: Ep.140 ― Che­nies Manor, Buck­ing­hamshire — The Manor That’s 
. Back to Front
(Lip­ský 1981) The Mys­te­ri­ous Cas­tle in the Carpathi­ans [Tajem­ství hradu v Karpatech]
(Hugh­es 2005) Time Team: Ep.141 ― Nether Pop­ple­ton, York­shire — The Monastery and the 
. Man­sion
(Arnold 1959) The Mouse That Roared
*(Nolan 2010) Inception
(Lester 1966) A Fun­ny Thing Hap­pened on the Way to the Forum
(Holt­house 2007) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.57 ― A Pic­ture of Innocence
(Emery 2003) Welch­er & Welch­er: Ep.1 ― Prejudice
(Hugh­es 2005) Time Team: Ep.142 ― Pre­ston, Lan­cashire — The Bombers in the Marsh
(Cor­man 1958) Teenage Caveman
(Hall 2002) His­to­ry of Britain: Ep.13 ― Vic­to­ria and Her Sis­ters [with Simon Schama] 
(Sarafi­an 2006) House: Ep.43 ― Eupho­ria (2)
(Tay­lor 1968) Star Trek: Ep.66 ― Wink of an Eye
(Holt­house 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.58 ― Shot at Dawn
(Dou­glas 2005) Time Team: Ep.143 ― Drum­lan­rig, Dum­fries — Fight­ing on the Frontier
(Hellings 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.59 ― They Seek Him Here
(Ordish 1992) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.18
(Tan­ner 2005) Time Team: Ep.144 ― North­bor­ough, Peter­bor­ough — A Neolith­ic Cathedral?
(Ford 1930) Up the River
(Frel­ing 1960) Looney Tunes: Horse Hare [Bugs Bun­ny #155]
(Frel­ing 1960) Looney Tunes: Per­son to Bun­ny [Bugs Bun­ny #156]
(Bergman 1960) The Vir­gin Spring [Jungfrukäl­lan]
(Dyke 1989) Moontrap
(Erman 1968) Star Trek: Ep.67 ― The Empath
(Vul­liamy 2005) Time Team: Ep.145 ― Riv­er ham­ble, Hamp­shire — Grace Dieu, In Search of 
. Hen­ry V’s Flagship
(Boult­ing 2005) Time Team: Ep.146 ― Stan­dish, Glouces­ter­shire — Going Upmar­ket With the 
. Romans
(Edi­son Kinescope 1903) The Gay Shoe Clerk
(Méliès 1904) Le mer­veilleux éven­tail vivan [The Won­der­ful Liv­ing Fan]
(Méliès 1904) Les cartes vivantes [The Liv­ing Play­ing Cards]
(Méliès 1904) La sirène [The Mermaid]
(Méliès 1904) Le thau­maturge chi­nois [Tchin-Chao, the Chi­nese Conjurer]
(Méliès 1904) Le roi du maquil­lage [The Untam­able Whiskers]
(Méliès 1904) Sor­cel­lerie culi­naire [The Cook in Trouble]
(Méliès 1904) Le voy­age à tra­vers l’im­pos­si­ble [The Impos­si­ble Voyage]
(Williamson 1904) An Inter­est­ing Story
(Amer­i­can Muto­scope & Bio­graph 1904) Fire in a Bur­lesque Theatre
(Kil­mi & Reinumä­gi 2004) Rev­o­lu­tion of Pigs [Sigade revolutsioon]
(Lucas 1968) Star Trek: Ep.68 ― Elaan of Troyius
(Emery 2003) Welch­er & Welch­er: ep.2 ― Adam’s Rib
(Hre­be­jk 2003) Pupendo
(Spierig & Spierig 2009) Daybreakers
(Dou­glas 2005) Time Team: Ep.147 ― Wemyss, Fife — Picts and Her­mits: Cave Dwellers of Fife
(Tolkin 2007) Mas­ters of Sci­ence Fic­tion: Ep.3 ― Jer­ry was a Man
(Hitch­cock 1930) Blackmail
(Vul­liamy 2005) Time Team: Ep.148 ― St. Osyth, Essex — Lost Cen­turies of St Osyth
(Kelle­her 2006) A Sense of Car­ol Reed
(Holt­house 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.60 ― Death in a Choco­late Box
(Lester 1963) The Mouse on the Moon
(Met­calfe 2005) Time Team: Ep.149 ― South Per­rott, Dorset — The Puz­zle of Pick­et’s Farm
(Emery 2003) Welch­er & Welch­er: ep.3 ― Favours
(Ben­delack 1999) Dark Ages: Ep.2 ― Vikings
(Fair­fax 1993) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.20 ― Hono­ria Glos­sop Turns Up
(Mas­cel­li 1964) The Atom­ic Brain [aka Monstrosity]
(Arte­ta 2010) Youth in Revolt
(Paul 1904) Buy Your Own Cherries
(Brice 1930) The Golf Spe­cial­ist [W. C. Fields short]
(Koster 1960) The Sto­ry of Ruth
(Okawara 1999) Godzil­la 2000 [Goji­ra ni-sen mireniamu]
(Young 1962) Dr. No
(Reed 1955) A Kid for Two Farthings
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.19
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.24 ― Pri­vate Plane
(Smith 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.61 ― Blood Wedding
(Forde 1934) Char­lie Chan in London
(Dixon 2005) Time Team: Ep.150 ― Skipsea, Hum­ber­side — Nor­man Neighbours
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.20
(Met­calfe 2005) Time Team: Ep.151 ― South Shields, Tyne­side — Hunt­ing the Romans — Tower 
. Blocks and Togas
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.21
(Brooks 1968) The Producers
(Hol­land 2000) Mal­colm in the Mid­dle: Ep.18 ― Hal­loween Approximately
(Flinth 2007) Arn the Knight Tem­plar [Arn — Tempelriddaren]
(Jones 1960) Looney Tunes: Rab­bit’s Feat [Bugs Bun­ny #157]
(Kowal­s­ki 1959) Attack of the Giant Leeches
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.1 ― Cook­ing the Books
(Emery 2003) Welch­er & Welch­er: ep.4 ― The Winslow Boy
(Leter­ri­er 2010) Clash of the Titans
(Blan­chard & Kennedy) The Kids in the Hall: Ep.46
(Baer­witz 1962) Varan the Unbe­liev­able [Amer­i­can version]
(Flinth 2008) Arn 2: The King­dom at Road­’s End [Arn — Riket vid vägens slut]
(Met­calfe 2005) Time Team: Ep.152 ― Hans­lope, Mil­ton Keynes — Ani­mal Farm
(Brisinger 2004) Pass­ing Hearts [En del av mitt hjärta]
(Porter 1905) The Whole Dam Fam­i­ly and the Dam Dog
(McCutcheon & Mar­i­on 1905) Airy Fairy Lil­ian Tries On her New Corsets
(Fitzham­mon 1905) The Oth­er Side of the Hedge
(Fitzham­mon & Hep­worth) Res­cued By Rover
(Nonguet 1905) La Révo­lu­tion en Russie
(Alek­san­drov & Eisen­stein 1930) Romance sentimentale
(Fish­er 1960) The Stran­glers of Bombay
(Dou­glas 2005) Time Team: Ep.153 ― Spe­cial: The King of Bling
(Han­son 2000) Won­der Boys
(Farn­ham 2001) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.53 ― Evil Under the Sun
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.2 ― Man­ny’s First Day
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.25 ― Gen­er­al Hospital
(Waller­stein 1969) Star Trek: Ep.69 ― Whom Gods Destroy
(Méliès 1905) Le dia­ble noir [The Black Imp]
(Méliès 1905) La chaise à por­teur enchan­tée [The Enchant­ed Sedan Chair]
(Méliès 1905) Le tripot clan­des­tin [The Schem­ing Gam­blers Paradise]
(Segrove 2005) Time Team: Ep.154 ― Spe­cial: Colch­ester, Britain’s Lost Roman Circus
(Hath­away 1950) The Black Rose
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.22
(Tay­lor 1969) Star Trek: Ep.70 ― Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.3 ― The Grapes of Wrath
(Brooks 1970) The Twelve Chairs
(Howard 2009) Angels & Demons
(Méliès 1906) Une chute de cinq étages [A Mix­up in the Gallery; aka A Fall from Five Floors]
(Méliès 1906) Jack le ramoneur [The Chim­ney Sweep]
(Méliès 1906) Le mae­stro Do-mi-sol-do [The Luny Musician]
(Méliès 1906) Les affich­es en goguette [The Hilar­i­ous Posters]
(Méliès 1906) L’a­n­ar­chie chez guig­nol [Punch and Judie]
(Méliès 1906) Les incen­di­aires [A Des­per­ate Crime]
(Méliès 1906) Les bulles de savon ani­mées [Soap Bubbles]
(Méliès 1906) Les qua­tre cents farces du dia­ble [The Mer­ry Frol­ics of Satan]
(Crich­ton 1953) The Tit­field Thunderbolt
(Mitchell 2005) Sky High
(Wei­land 1999) Black­ad­der: Ep.27 ― Black­ad­der: Back & Forth
(Emery 2003) Welch­er & Welch­er: ep.5 ― Hypo­thet­i­cal­ly Speaking
(Dixon 2005) Time Team: Ep.155 ― Spe­cial: Life on the Edge 1,000 years BC
(Ben­nett 1988) Inspec­tor Morse: Ep.5 ― Last Seen Wearing
(Kwapis 2000) Mal­colm in the Mid­dle: Ep.19 ― Lois’ Birthday
(Price 2005) Time Team: Ep.156 ― Spe­cial: Dur­ring­ton Walls, Wilt­shire: Jour­ney To Stonehenge
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.23
(Freuden­thal 2010) Diary of a Wimpy Kid
(Par­rott 1930) The Lau­rel-Hardy Mur­der Case
(McGuigan 2010) Sher­lock: Ep.1 ― A Study in Pink
(Train­er 1999) That 70’s Show: Ep.26 ― Garage Sale
(Tem­ple 1988) Earth Girls Are Easy
(Park­er 2008) South Park: Ep.171 ― Cana­da On Strike
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.4 ― The Blackout
(Vul­liamy 2006) Time Team: Ep.157 ― Spe­cial: Din­ning­ton, Som­er­set — The Big Roman Villa
(Méliès 1906) Alchimiste Para­faraga­mus ou La cor­nue infer­nale [The Mys­te­ri­ous Retort]
(Méliès 1906) La fée Cara­bosse ou le poignard fatal [The Witch]
(von Stern­berg 1930) Morocco
(Gor­rie 1975) Rumpole of the Bai­ley: Ep.1 [pilot] ― Rumpole and the Con­fes­sion of Guilt
(Pow­ell 1960) Peep­ing Tom
(Wise 1978) Rumpole of the Bai­ley: Ep.2 ― Rumpole and The Younger Generation
(Boult­ing 2006) Time Team: Ep.158 ― Glen­don Hall, Northamp­ton­shire — The Bod­ies in the Shed 
. — Glen­don’s Lost Graveyard
(Clark 2005) Coast: Ep.1 ― Dover to Exmouth
(Soft­ley 2009) Inkheart
(Hugh­es 2000) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.109 ― The Big Giant Head Returns
(Mac­Far­lane / Holmquist 2009) Fam­i­ly Guy: Ep.115 — Ocean’s Three and a Half
(Bark­er 2005) Coast: Ep.2 ― Exmouth to Bristol
(Smith 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.62 ― Mid­somer Life
(Tre­for 2005) Coast: Ep.3 ― Bris­tol to Cardi­gan Bay [aka Sev­ern Estu­ary to Aberystwyth]
(Spiers1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.24
(Ben­delack 1999) Dark Ages: Ep.3 ― War
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.5 ― The Big Lock-Out
(Tre­for 2005) Coast: Ep.4 ― Cardi­gan Bay to the Dee [aka Aberys­t­wyth to the Wirral]
(Koster 1951) No High­way in the Sky
(Walk 2005) Coast: Ep.5 ― Liv­er­pool to Sol­way Firth [aka Liv­er­pool to Carlisle]
(Rosen 1941) Spooks Run Wild [East Side Kids #7]
(Pray 2009) Art & Copy
(Vul­liamy 2006) Time Team: Ep.159 ― With­ing­ton, Glouces­ter­shire — Vil­las out of Molehills
(Fair­fax 1993) Jeeves and Woost­er: Ep.21 ― Arrest­ed in a Night
(1906) San Fran­cis­co: After­math Of Earthquake
(1906) A Vis­it To Peek Fre­an & Co.
(Méliès 1906) L’hô­tel des voyageurs de com­merce [A Road­side Inn]
(Booth 1906) The “?” Motorist
(Capel­lani 1906) Aladin ou la lampe mer­veilleuse [Aladin, Or The Won­der­ful Lamp]
(Porter & McCutcheon 1906) The Dream Of A Rarebit Fiend
(Black­ton 1906) Humor­ous Phas­es of Fun­ny Faces
(Par­rott 1930) Brats [Lau­rel & Hardy]
(Frel­ing 1960) Mer­ry Melodies: From Hare to Heir [Bugs Bun­ny #158]
(Cor­man 1960) The Last Woman on Earth
(Rat­fill 1988) Mac and Me
(Hugh­es 1997) 3rd Rock From the Sun: Ep.50 ― Dick-In-Law
(Mac­Dow­ell) 2006) Time Team: Ep.160 ― Man­ches­ter, Greater Man­ches­ter — Rub­ble at the Mill 
. — The Birth of the Indus­tri­al Rev­o­lu­tion in Manchester
(Boden 1989) Black­ad­der [Black­ad­der Goes Forth]: Ep.26 ― Goodbyeee
(Ford-Hutchin­son 2005) Coast: Ep.6 ― North­ern Ireland
(Spiers 1995) A Bit of Fry and Lau­rie: Ep.25
(Bar­ry 1964) Doc­tor Who: Ep.52 ― The Res­cue, Part 1: The Pow­er­ful Enemy
(Mur­nau 1931) Tabu: A Sto­ry of the South Seas
(Line­han & Wood 2000) Black Books: Ep.6 ― He’s Leav­ing Home
(Young 1963) From Rus­sia With Love
(McWilliams 2005) Coast: Ep.7 ― West Coast of Scot­land and West­ern Isles [aka Sol­way Firth 
. to Skye]
(Bar­ry 1964) Doc­tor Who: Ep.53 ― The Res­cue, Part 2: Des­per­ate Measures
(Tay­lor 1969) Star Trek: Ep.71 ― The Mark of Gideon
(Jeffs 2009) The Sto­ry of India: Ep.6 ― Freedom
(Ritchie 2009) Sher­lock Holmes
(Kei­th 1987) The Curse
(O’D­wyer 2008) Being Human: Pilot Episode
(Newell 2010) Prince of Persia
(Leigh 1963) Space Patrol: Ep.1 ― Swamps of Jupiter
(Gillam-Smith 2006) Time Team: Ep.161 ― Esh­er, Sur­rey — The First Tudor Palace?
(Shel­don 1961) The Twi­light Zone: Ep.73 ― It’s a Good Life
(Cendrows­ki 2007) Big Bang The­o­ry: Ep.7 ― The Dumpling Paradox
(Leigh 1963) Space Patrol: Ep.2 ― The Wan­der­ing Asteroid
(Dixon 2006) Time Team: Ep.162 ― Utrecht, The Nether­lands — The Boat on the Rhine — A Roman 
. Boat in Utrecht
(Over­ton 2005) Coast: Ep.8 ― Cape Wrath to Orkney [aka Skye to Wick]
(Chomón 1907) Le scarabée d’or [The Gold­en Beetle]
(Zec­ca 1907) La course des ser­gents de ville [The Police­man’s Lit­tle Run]
(Par­rott 1930) Hog Wild [Lau­rel & Hardy]
(Frel­ing 1960) Mer­ry Melodies: Lighter Than Hare [Bugs Bun­ny #159]
(Kachy­na 1960) Práče [Sling­boy]
(Con­rad 1950) The Fly­ing Saucer
(Lowry 2001) Attila
(Boult­ing 2006) Time Team: Ep.163 ― Eas­try, Kent — Queens­bor­ough, Cas­tle in the Round
(Steers 2009) 17 Again
(Over­ton 2005) Coast: Ep.9 ― John O’Groats to Berwick [aka John O’Groats to Firth of Forth]
(Bar­ry 1965) Doc­tor Who: Ep.54 ― The Romans, Part 1: The Slave Traders
(Feuil­lade 1907) The Colonel’s Account
(Thiele 1930) Die Drei von der Tankstelle
(Clegg 2001) Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Ep.54 ― Mur­der in Mesopotamia
(Hugh­es 2006) Time Team: Ep.164 ― Brimham, York­shire — The Monk’s Manor — Brimham 
. Medieval Monas­tic Farm
(Kotch­eff 1978) Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe?
(Cohen 2000) The Skulls
(Fitzha­mon 1907) That Fatal Sneeze
(Méliès 1907) La colle uni­verselle [Good Glue Sticks]
(Méliès 1907) L’é­clipse du soleil en pleine lune [The Eclypse]
(Vul­liamy 2006) Time Team: Ep.165 ― Spe­cial: The Big Roy­al Dig
(Par­rott 1930) Below Zero [Lau­rel & Hardy]
(Morel 2004) Ban­lieue 13 [Dis­trict 13]
(Deutch 1994) Get­ting Even With Dad
(Pink 2006) Time Team: Ep.166 ― Black­patch, Sus­sex — Sus­sex Ups and Downs
(Waller­stein 1969) Star Trek: Ep.72 ― That Which Survives
(Ersk­ine & Ray 1952) Andro­cles and the Lion
(Rye 2008) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.63 ― Left for Dead
(Den­nis 2002) Black Books: Ep.7 ― The Entertainer
(Ben­delack 1999) Dark Ages: Ep.4 ― Witch
(Ben­delack 1999) Dark Ages: Ep.5 ― The End of the World
(Refn 2009) Val­hal­la Rising
(Clark 2005) Coast: Ep.10 ― Berwick to Whit­by [aka Berwick to Robin Hood’s Bay]
(Jones & Noble 1961) Looney Tunes: The Abom­inable Snow Rab­bit [Bugs Bun­ny #160]
(Guest 1957) The Abom­inable Snowman
(Dixon 2006) Time Team: Ep.167 ― Islip, Oxford­shire — Birth­place of the Confessor
(Bark­er 2005) Coast: Ep.11 ― Robins Hood’s Bay to Hunstanton
(Ham­mond 1988) Inspec­tor Morse: Ep.6 ― The Set­tling of the Sun
(Walk 2005) Coast: Ep.12 ― Hun­stan­ton to Dover
(Koster 1953) The Robe
(Schenkel 1998) Tarzan and the Lost City
(Hugh­es 2006) Time Team: Ep.168 ― Ffrith, North Wales- Ear­ly Bath
(Méliès 1907) La douche d’eau bouil­lante [Rogue’s Tricks]
(Méliès 1907) Les fro­mages auto­mo­biles [The Skip­ping Cheeses]
(Méliès 1907) Le tun­nel sous la manche ou Le cauchemar fran­co-anglais [Tun­nel­ing the English 
. Chan­nel]
(Méliès 1907) Pau­vre John ou Les aven­tures d’un buveur de whiskey [Sight­see­ing Through Whiskey]
(Méliès 1907) Ali Bar­bouy­ou et Ali Bouf à l’huile [Delir­i­um in a Studio]
(Ulmer 1951) The Man From Plan­et X
(Ander­son 2009) The Fan­tas­tic Mr. Fox
(Perez 2009) Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus
(Clay­don 2009) Les­bian Vam­pire Killers
(Taran­ti­no 2009) Inglou­ri­ous Basterds
(Dou­glas 2006) Time Team: Ep.169 ― Alfold­ean, Sus­sex — The Tax­man’s Tav­ern — A Roman 
. Man­sion
(Thomas 1958) Car­ry On Sergeant
(Dou­glas 2006) Time Team: Ep.170 ― Apple­cross, Skye — Scotch Broch — Iron Age life at Applecross 
. near Skye
(Sears 1957) The Giant Claw

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