(Tourneur 1965) War Gods of the Deep
(Friend 2000) Rebus: Ep.1 ― Black and Blue
(Makave­jev 1981) Montenegro
(Oliv­eri 1990) Fan­tas­tic Dinosaurs of the Movies
(Juran 1962) Jack the Giant Killer
(Bernds 1961) Val­ley of the Dragons
(Sil­ber­ston 1999) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.8 ― Dead Man’s Eleven
(Black­ton 1900) The Enchant­ed Drawing
(Porter 1902) Fun in a Bak­ery Shop
(Hep­worth & Stow 1903) Alice in Wonderland
(Méliès 1906) La cardeuse de mate­las [The Tramp and the Mat­tress Makers]
(Zec­ca 1901) Par le trou de ser­rue [Peep­ing Tom]
(Zec­ca 1901) His­toire d’un crime [His­to­ry of a Crime]
(Zec­ca 1902) Ali Baba et les quar­ante voleurs [Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves]
(Zec­ca 1901) Rêve et Réalité
(Nonguet 1905) La Révo­lu­tion en Russie
(Capel­lani 1907) Aladin ou la lampe mer­veilleuse [Aladin, Or The Won­der­ful Lamp]
(Gas­nier 1908) Le cheval emballé
(Lehrman 1908) Le médecin du château [The Physi­cian of the Castle]
(Chomón 1908) Mag­ic Bricks
(Mund­willer 1908) Moscow Clad in Snow
(Cohl 1908) Fantastmagorie
(Kysh 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.6 ― Five on Finnis­ton Farm
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.4 ― The Mys­tery of the Bro­ken Statues
(Kirk 2011) Game of Thrones: Ep.3 ― Lord Snow
(Cameron 1991) Ter­mi­na­tor 2: Judg­ment Day
(Oliv­er 2006) Shock to the System
(Clair 1945) And Then There Were None
(Car­son 2002) An Inter­view with Roger Corman
(Page 1987) Creepy Classics
(Beiman & Frel­ing 1991) Bugs Bun­ny’s Lunar Tunes
(Hus­ton 1941) The Mal­tese Falcon
(Ker­ri­g­an 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.7 ― Five go to Demon’s Rocks
(Addiss 1965) Lost in Space: Ep.14 ― Attack of the Mon­ster Plants
(Kirk 2011) Game of Thrones: Ep.4 ― Crip­ples, Bas­tards, and Bro­ken Things
(Svankma­jer 1971) Jab­ber­wocky [Zvahlav aneb Sat­icky Sla­meného Huberta]
(Jones 1989) Erik the Viking
(Lynch 2007) Absurda
(Ander­s­son 1970) A Swedish Love Sto­ry [En kärlekshistoria]
(God­dard 1971) The Rivals of Sher­lock Holmes: Ep.1 ― A Mes­sage from the Deep Sea 
(Juran 1965) Lost in Space: Ep.15 ― Return from Out­er Space
(Carr 1952) The Adven­tures of Super­man: Ep.5 ― The Mon­key Mystery
(Kirk 2011) Game of Thrones: Ep.5 ― The Wolf and the Lion
(Jack­son 1978) Con­nec­tions: Ep.1 ― The Trig­ger Effect
(Crich­ton & Cleese 1988) A Fished Called Wanda
(Bell 1981) The Hitch Hik­er’s Guide to the Galaxy: Ep.1
(Lean­dro 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.8 ― Five go Down to the Sea, Part 1
(Lean­dro 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.9 ― Five go Down to the Sea, Part 2
(Park­er 1997) Orgazmo
(Park­er 2011) South Park: Ep.216 ― You’re Get­ting Old
(Emmerich 2000) 10,000 B.C.
(Lean­dro 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.10 ― Five Run Away Together
(Yates 2005) Har­ry Pot­ter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Gor­rie 1996) The Famous Five: Ep.11 ― Five go to Mys­tery Moor
(Smith 2005) Mid­Somer Mur­ders: Ep.38 ― Orchis Fatalis
(Kysh 1997) The Famous Five: Ep.12 ― Five go Adven­tur­ing Again
(Liebesman 2011) Bat­tle: Los Angeles
(Ker­ri­g­an 1997) The Famous Five: Ep.13 ― Five on Kir­rin Island Again
(Maté 1951) When Worlds Collide
(Kysh 1997) The Famous Five: Ep.14 ― Five on a Secret Trail

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