23126. (anon. 13th Cen­tu­ry) Sumer is icu­men in [poem]
23127. (Michael Ignati­eff) There’s No Way Out But a New Pol­i­tics of Fair­ness [arti­cle]
23128. (Kate Wong) Spec­tac­u­lar South African Skele­tons Reveal New Species from Murky 
. . . . . Peri­od of Human Evo­lu­tion [arti­cle]
23129. (John Alle­mang) Rev­o­lu­tions: Long in Com­ing, They Require Dis­ci­plined Preparation 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23130. (Arne Wossink) Com­pe­ti­tion and Coop­er­a­tion Among Pas­toral­ists in Northern 
. . . . . Mesopotamia c.3000–1600 BC
23131. (Aryeh Neier) Václav Havel’s Tri­umph [arti­cle]
23132. (Kun­thi­da Run­gru­engki­at) The Revival of the Laot­ian Enter­tain­ment and Its Diffusion 
. . . . . in Thai Soci­ety [arti­cle]
23133. (Ta-Nehisi Coates) The Mes­sen­ger [arti­cle]
23134. (John T. Koch) Tartess­ian: Celtic in the South-West at the Dawn of History
23135. (Will Thomas) [in blog Ether Wave Pro­pa­gan­da] Tac­it Knowl­edge and Tac­tile History: 
. . . . . Otto Sibum and “Ges­tur­al Knowl­edge” [arti­cle]
23136. (Chris Kor­nac­ki) First Nations Elec­tions Act Intro­duced in Par­lia­ment [arti­cle]
23137. (Dipak K. Dash) Govt Plans 11 Tun­nels on Pak, Chi­na Bor­ders [arti­cle]
23138. [2] (Elman R. Ser­vice) Prim­i­tive Social Orga­ni­za­tion: An Evo­lu­tion­ary Perspective 
23139. (Cather­ine Eliz­a­beth Brunet) Read­ing, Writ­ing and Unheard Voic­es: A His­to­ry . . . . . of Lit­er­ary Edu­ca­tion in Cana­da 1880–1950
23140. (anon. 14th Cen­tu­ry) Ich an if Irlaun­de [poem]
23141. (anon. 14th Cen­tu­ry) Maid­en in the mor lay [poem]
23142. (Cyrus H. Gor­don) Ugar­it and Minoan Crete: The Bear­ing of Their Texts on the Origins 
. . . . . of West­ern Culture
23143. (Car­ol Vogel) Ancient Porno­graph­ic Arti­fact Dis­cov­ered by the Thames [arti­cle]
23144. (René Goscin­ny & Albert Uder­zo) Aster­ix and the Gold­en Sickle
23145. (Jef­frey L. Thomas) Ger­ald of Wales [arti­cle]
23146. (Dov Smith) Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty Pro­fes­sor Dis­putes Claims about Pur­pose of Newly-
. . . . . Dis­cov­ered Jerusalem Tem­ple Arti­fact [arti­cle]
23147. (Orrin Schwab) A Satire on the Costs of War With Iran [arti­cle]
23148. (Lisa Wade) Amer­i­can vs. Inter­na­tion­al News: Time and Newsweek [arti­cle]
23149. (Carl Pyr­dum) [in blog Got Medieval] The Arthuri­an Game of Ori­gins [arti­cle]
23150. (Antho­ny M. Snod­grass) The Dark Age of Greece: An Arche­o­log­i­cal Sur­vey of the
. . . . . Eleventh to the Eighth Cen­turies B.C
23151. (Nick & Lisa Kachulis) [in blog Eye of Zeus] The Long Good­bye [arti­cle]
23151. (Nick & Lisa Kachulis) [in blog Eye of Zeus] The Cri­sis in Greece [arti­cle]
23152. (Richard T. Antoun) Arab Vil­lage; a Social Struc­tur­al Study of a Tran­sjor­dan­ian Peasant
. . . . . Community 
23153. (Nick & Lisa Kachulis) [in blog Eye of Zeus] Ascle­pius ― The Snake and the Staff of 
. . . . . Pow­er [arti­cle]
23154. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Intel­lec­tu­al Good­ies on the 
. . . . . Inter­net ― Two Sets of Eco­nom­ic Posts [arti­cle]
23155. (Will McLean) [in blog A Com­mon­place Book] The House­hold of Alice de Bryene 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23156. (Will McLean) [in blog A Com­mon­place Book] The Orga­ni­za­tion of a Gen­try Household
. . . . . ― Alice de Bryene [arti­cle]
23157. (Fred­erik Pohl) [in blog The Way the Future Blogs] Cyril Korn­bluth, Part 1 [arti­cle]
23158. (Fred­erik Pohl) [in blog The Way the Future Blogs] Cyril Korn­bluth, Part 2 ― On His 
. . . . . Way to Being the Very Best Writer I Have Ever Known [arti­cle]
23159. (Fred­erik Pohl) [in blog The Way the Future Blogs] Cyril Korn­bluth, Part 3 ― Cyril 
. . . . . Begins to Blos­som [arti­cle]
23160. (Nick & Lisa Kachulis) [in blog Eye of Zeus] Democ­ra­cy… Then and Now [arti­cle]
23161. (Bob Shaw) The Palace of Eternity
23162. (Samer Soli­man) A Crit­i­cal Stance in Sup­port of My Col­leagues in the Revolution 
23163. (Muham­mad Khawly) Bet­ter Dis­tri­b­u­tion Can Defeat Cen­sor­ship [arti­cle]
23164. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] After 35 Years [arti­cle]
23165. (Stephen P. Banks) The Trou­bles with Lead­er­ship [arti­cle]
23166. (Dou­glas L. Oliv­er) Ancient Tahit­ian Soci­ety ― Vol­ume 1: Ethnography 
23167. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] Nobody For President 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23168. [2] (Mar­shall Sahlins) Stone Age Eco­nom­ics [R]
23169. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Review of The Future of Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Democ­ra­cy, ed. Sonia 
. . . . . Alon­so, John Keane & Wolf­gang Merkel [review]
23170. (Jean-Paul Gagnon) Review of The Ori­gins of Polit­i­cal Order, Vol­ume One by Francis 
. . . . . Fukuya­ma [review]
23171. (Ivan Denisenko) Russia’s Old­est City: 5,000 and Count­ing [arti­cle]
23172. (Bri­an Mar­tin) Vari­eties of Dis­sent [arti­cle]
23173. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] How One Gained Entrée into 
. . . . . the High­est Cir­cles in 6th-Cen­tu­ry Europe [arti­cle]
23174. (Charles Kings­ley) Hypatia
23175. (Dou­glas L. Oliv­er) Ancient Tahit­ian Soci­ety ― Vol­ume 2: Social Relations
23176. (Gene Lip­man-Blu­men) Dis­sent in Times of Cri­sis [arti­cle]
23177. (Thomas Rogers) The Inven­tion of the Het­ero­sex­u­al [inte­view with Hanne Blank]
23178. (Steve Kor­nac­ki) When a Par­ty Flirts With Sui­cide [arti­cle]
23179. (Hans van Wees) Greek War­fare: Myth and Realities
23180. (Guy Hal­sall) [in blog His­to­ri­an on the Edge] On Not Being a Saint [arti­cle]
23181. (Philip A. Michel­bach) Democ­ra­cy as Voca­tion: Polit­i­cal Matu­ri­ty in Luther and Hegel 
. . . . . [arti­cle]
23182. (Stephaney Hamel & Ruth Guz­ley) Dis­sent and the Gen­er­a­tional Divide [arti­cle]
23183. (Howard F. Stein) Orga­ni­za­tion­al Total­i­tar­i­an­ism and the Voic­es of Dis­sent [arti­cle]
23184. (James White) Tomor­row Is Too Far
23185. (Tony Waters) [in blog] “Could Be Worse!” Adven­tures in Maximum 
. . . . . Secu­ri­ty Pris­ons [arti­cle]
23186. (Cather­ine Mur­ton Stoehr) Strength­en­ing the Chain between First Nations and Non-
. . . . . Abo­rig­i­nal Cana­di­ans [arti­cle]
23187. (James Doeser) [in blog Bad Archae­ol­o­gy] Metageum: Explor­ing the Mega­lith­ic Mind 
23188. (Steve Muhlberg­er) [in blog Muhlberger’s World His­to­ry] That Beau­ti­ful Destri­er Again 
23189. (Bren­dan Fred­er­ick R. Edwards) Paper Talk ― A His­to­ry of Libraries, Print . . . . . Cul­ture, and Abo­rig­i­nal Peo­ples in Cana­da before 1960 
23190. (Dou­glas L. Oliv­er) Ancient Tahit­ian Soci­ety ― Vol­ume 3: Rise of the Pomares
23191. (Erik D. Andrulis) The­o­ry of the Ori­gin, Evo­lu­tion and Nature of Life [arti­cle]
23192. (David S. Allen) Press Pro­fes­sion­al­iza­tion, Cor­po­rate Ratio­nal­iza­tion and the 
. . . . . Man­age­ment of Dis­sent [arti­cle]
23193. (Jer­ry Markon & Alice Crites) Why the Repub­li­can Par­ty As We Know It Needs to End 
. . . . . Now [arti­cle]
23194. (Greg Palast) [in blog Greg Palast Jour­nal­ism & Film] No Child’s Behind Left [arti­cle]
23195. (Philip Free­man) Friends, Romans, Vot­ers [arti­cle]
23196. (David Shari­at­madri) Review of Cities of the Clas­si­cal World by Col­in McEvedy 
. . . . . [review]
23197. (H. G. Wells) The Bulp­ing­ton of Blup

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